Year: 2013
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You are Not Weak
Even the hard coconut can break in one blow. It doesn't mean it's weak. It's vulnerable.
When They don’t Love You Back
What can you do when an apple rots? Matters of the heart are similar. Love is something like that.
What is Love?
The light of love is dependent on four conditions. Fail one and it flickers, fail two and it goes away.
Love or Attachment
On the tree of life are the cages of desires holding captive the birds of attachment. Love roams freely.
Dealing with Stress
A man was never stressed and this intrigued his neighbors. Read the story for more.
Do You have Faith?
What is faith? How does a rose bloom? Read the story.
The Voice of Intuition – First Impressions
When something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Read the story.
How to Make Someone Happy
Making someone happy is like lighting a candle. You don't lose a thing and the light increases anyway.
A Random Act of Kindness
The question of my bread is a material question, but of my neighbor's bread is a spiritual question. ~Nikolai Berdyaev
The Two Realizations
There is no such thing as a free lunch; you have to work towards it, you have to earn it.
Listening to Nature
On your path, Nature always gives you cues. It pays to pay attention to them. How? Read the story.
Do Dreams Mean Anything?
Am I the butterfly dreaming I'm Chuang Tzu or the other way around? What are dreams?
A Life of Lies
This world is a stampede. If you don't fit in, you are either pushed or crushed. Realization is stepping aside. Mentally.
The Most Fundamental Human Desire
Feeling loved is like sitting next to a calm ocean. It's inexplicable. You become an ocean yourself. You feel complete.
The sky remains independent of the colors and clouds in it. It returns to its natural state — blue. So can you.