Here is a video discourse for you in Hindi. The topic is Bhojana -Food. Below is an excerpt from the video:
All living creatures eat. Bhojana, commonly known as food is the basis of your existence, of your body. But often, its importance is kind of overlooked. In fact, food is the basis of all your joys. I am going to cover the topic of food today. What is the meaning of food? Why has Sri Hari been deemed ‘food’ in the Vishnu Sahasranama? Food is not just about the edible substance that is processed by our stomachs. That is only the food to eat and is of four types. You may also want to read about the two pillars of top health.
We also eat through our ears, our nostrils, our eyes, our touch. Through whatever senses we perceive, we are effectively in-taking food. Sri Hari is the producer, enjoyer, and processor of food, why, He is the very food itself. Eating food is not just a mechanical process that you carry out every day, it is a divine act, no less a yajña.

There were four members in a household. Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody. A bill was overdue. Everybody thought Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it but Nobody did it.
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