The Rainmaker
Healing is something which only Divine Mother does. Healing is something which only Mother Nature does. I am simply someone who is getting the opportunity to deliver some right messages. And that’s what it really is and that’s what I feel in my bone. I am not saying this to humour someone or to appear in a certain way; this is how I actually feel every single day.
—Om Swami
Have you ever wondered what it would have been like to be born in the era of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Buddha or other enlightened beings? Most of us have felt the sublime grace of God in our lives and yet, a lot of us have not known how everything stands still in the presence of an awakened being. We have heard but rarely witnessed how in the presence of a true master, our struggles and hardships dissipate like dew upon sunrise. Until now.
In this book, people from diverse backgrounds share mystical and mind-boggling stories of miraculous events that have transpired in their lives with the advent of Om Swami. This is not some distant past but happening in front of you right now. Bear witness to the power of sadhana, tapas, and truth. See for yourself what happens when you invoke the ancient mantras and put them to use.
More Books
Om Swami: As We Know Him
Everything I thought to be true about life, its meaning was challenged after meeting Swami. It was reduced to dust. Soon I had to admit that there were things far beyond the scope of my rational mind. What is it … Read more →
The Ancient Science of Mantras
In a never-before work, veering from the ancient tradition of guru-disciple secrecy, Himalayan ascetic and bestselling author Om Swami bares all the essentials and fundamentals of invoking the sonic energy of mantras for material and spiritual fulfillment. Drawing on his … Read more →
Kundalini: An Untold Story
You don’t have to be a monk to enter the ultimate realm of happiness! Yes, it’s true. In his book Kundalini – An Untold Story, Himalayan ascetic Om Swami unveils the enigmatic story of kundalini, the formless aspect of the … Read more →
When All Is Not Well
‘I’ve heard so many people tell those who suffer from depression to just “cheer up”. Do they really believe it’s that simple?’ Depression isn’t just sadness. It is misery. It is both pain and nothingness. People don’t ‘have’ depression, they suffer … Read more →
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