The Wellness Sense
The Wellness Sense : A Practical Guide to Your Physical and Emotional Health Based on Ayurvedic and Yogic Wisdom
Why do certain foods harm some people and help others? How come the results of a weight loss program varies from individual to individual? And why do some people fall sick more often than others? The science of Ayurveda holds answers to these questions and many more. Its scriptures took a holistic approach to health by combining our lifestyle with our natural tendencies (which vary from one person to another).
This groundbreaking new work from Om Swami combines the yogic view of food as sattvic, rajasic and tamasic with Ayurvedic perspective and further relates it to the modern view of foods as acidic and alkaline. This is also the first time that Ayurvedic prakriti (vata, pitta and kapha) has been discussed in the context of yogic prakriti (sattvic, rajasic and tamasic) in a truly cohesive fashion. The Wellness Sense extracts the essence of Ayurveda, yoga and tantra to combine it with modern medicine in this simple, step-by-step handbook on how to take better care of yourself. Accessibly written, deeply researched and distilled from Om Swami’s own lived experience, The Wellness Sense puts your health and happiness in your hands.
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