Update: Feb 15, 2020. The initiation form remains closed still due to Covid-19. As and when there’s a change in status, an update will be posted on this page. Thank you for your patience.

Update: Jun 15, 2020. Due to Covid-19, I haven’t yet initiated those who were picked earlier this year. Therefore, for now, this form remains closed indefinitely.  It’s likely to open in the first quarter of 2021.

Update: Jan 28, 2020. I’m closing the initiation form for now as I’ve more than 500 requests to go over. Depending on how many I take on, this form may open again around June 2020.

If you know me or have read my works or heard me in my videos, or if in general, you are familiar with the Vedic tradition, then you must know that the bond between a guru and disciple is most sacred. It is a relationship unlike any other, free from transactions and judgments. Or at least, that’s how it’s supposed to be — a world of acceptance.

I take initiation requests very seriously and I personally go over every single one of those. I accept only a limited number of disciples in any given year. This is so I may do justice to the ones I take on. I don’t initiate anyone unless I’ve met them at least once in person. Please don’t email me requesting initiation over the internet or for a fee. No amount of money can buy the privilege of initiation.

I personally meet the seeker and impart the instruction at the time of initiation.

Please fill out the form below if you seek initiation from me. I can only handle so many requests. This form will be closed once I’ve received enough. You will know the outcome of your request within six weeks of applying.

In case you have any issues in viewing the form, please click here.

Good luck!


— form closed until the first quarter of 2021–