Let go and breathe in the real you

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4y ago

Can justice and revenge ever be used in the same sentence?

8y ago
What Could I Have Done?

Under most circumstances, we all act according to our inherent nature.

9y ago
Be Strong

Even the strongest tree sways in the face of gusty winds. Being strong doesn't mean you show no emotion.

9y ago
The Feeling of Emptiness

The emotion of emptiness is not connected with all that you have within your reach. It's about your center of bliss.

10y ago
The Most Difficult Emotion

A beautiful story from the life of Buddha gives a profound message of mastering the most difficult emotion.

10y ago
The Source of Emotions

Emotions are the dewdrops that vanish upon the dawn of mindfulness. Practice this simple meditation to go to the root.

11y ago
What Provokes You?

When provoked, it's so easy to lose your sense of judgment. Mindfulness is the antidote to provocation.

11y ago
How to Overcome Negativity

Just like a series of water drops make up a waterfall, a series of thoughts make up your mental state.

11y ago
The Value of Love

No one offered Love any place on their boats, except one. Who? Read the story.

12y ago
Toxic Anger

Toxic anger, like the deceptive iceberg, may appear harmless from the outside but underneath it's large and tumorous.

12y ago
Bottled Up?

If you keep your emotions bottled up, you become increasingly restless and bitter. Learn to empty yourself.

12y ago
Gods and Demons

If two bulls are fighting, one angry and the other one calm, who will win? Read the story.

12y ago
Angry People of Three Types

No matter how beautiful the sandcastle, it's temporary. Waves will wash it away. What are you holding on to?

12y ago
Two Types of Anger

The same fire that warms up a room can burn down the house too. Anger results from misdirected emotions.

12y ago
3 Ways To Deal with Negative People

The negativity of others is like a river. When negative thoughts start they flow non-stop. Don't take a dip in that river.

Let go and breathe in the real you

Join the kindest community, where personal failures & victories are celebrated and inspiration & happiness is shared

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