A Physics enthusiast, nature lover, photographer, a researcher, a seeker getting anchored by super strong & graceful Swamiji. Being a good human is my Sadhana. I want to remain a student till I die..
Let’s Become a Bit More Empathetic Instead...
Empathy is the sign of a highly matured mind with spiritual touch
Some Good Jokes of My Favorite Mulla...
Some random collection of jokes from the internet to share some fun!
Challenge Negative Thinking and Tear It Apart!
Some tips and First Hand Experience of the feeling and how to deal with...
Advantages of Having a Delayed Second Kid
Plz get inspired and go ahead if you are thinking, you will enjoy it...
Is Depression a Bad Thing? – I...
After Major Depressive Episodes / Low Phases, Life has Bestowed me a Lot for...
The Curious Story of Samil’s Birth and...
The million dolar question: Aap ke ghar mein koi elderly lady nahin hain?
Do You Know the Reason Behind Swamiji’s...
Please read on to have my view of the opportunity! Try not to miss!
Swamiji, We Are Parents Again After 10...
Nice prank Swamiji! This Gratitude was pending and you made it possible in 2021...
The Year That Was—A Post of Gratitude,...
Thank you universe for bestowing me with all that I have