Who am I to question existence? I am a seeker and want to understand the minute to grand mechanical parts making this plane of existence possible.
The monk and the girl
This story is a beautiful message about mindfulness. It is inspired by the book...
Pronunciation and Understanding of Mantras as explained...
The video by Om Swami Ji is in Hindi (link provided). I have made...
कृतज्ञता पैदा करें (Instill Gratitude)- ब्लैक लोटस...
ब्लैक लोटस आप्प में "कृतज्ञता" पाठ्यक्रम का उपयोग करने का मेरा अनुभव।
Instill gratitude- Black Lotus
A personal experience of using the Black Lotus app and the “Instill Gratitude” course.
Life lessons from Om Swami Ji
This is a short story from the Devi Bhagwat about the impact of the...
Intervention de Om Swami Ji sur YouTube
Ceci est une courte histoire issue du Devi Bhagwat racontant l’impact du Beej Mantra...
La fable du moine et du scorpion
Le Soleil ne demande pas qui es tu, les arbres ne demandent pas à...
The Fable of the Monk and the...
The Sun doesn’t ask who are you, trees don’t ask which race do you...
Life is just an extension of the...
Opening the fridge and instantly having access to luscious produces. You are very lucky.