I am very pleased to announce that the Audible Original Hindi series Jeevan Ek Gorakh-dhandha Hai is now available for all members worldwide. It has ten episodes. Beginning now (2-Apr), a new episode will be released here every day for the next ten days. I hope life in lockdown becomes a bit better with a 30-min episode from this series every day.

Audible have given us permission based on two conditions:
1. Access to this series must remain behind a paywall on os.me and,
2. the series must only be accessible for users outside of India.

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If you can read this text, it means you are accessing os.me from India. You don’t need to buy this series. You can listen to it for free using Audible Suno app for Android devices. You can download the app here

If you are using an iOS device you will need to use the Audible app (not Audible Suno as it’s only available for Android) and you can still listen to the entire series free. 

Thank you for your interest.
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If you are reading this text, it means you are not based in India and therefore entitled to listen to Jeevan ek Gorakhdhanda Hai series.

It is completely free for life-members of os.me and $11.99 for all others. 

If you are a life member you can straightaway head to the listen page here. Or, you can make the purchase below.

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