1. Buy expensive junk you don’t want with money you don’t have to impress people you don’t like.

  2. Be a miser. Abstain from buying even the essentials.

  3. Compare yourselves with the Joneses.

  4. Replay the breakups, betrayals and other hellish experiences in your mind.

  5. Believe that money is the only important thing in life.

  6. Live your life as dictated by societal norms.

  7. Put the keys to your happiness in other’s pockets.

  8. Gradually turn comforts into necessities.

  9. Gradually turn luxuries into comforts (and eventually necessities).

  10. Fall prey to the Facebook Syndrome — believe everyone else is living the life of your dreams while your life sucks big time.

  11. Possess a fixed mindset — that you can’t do __________ (I’m sure you’ll have no difficulty in filling the blanks).

  12. Remove the word “enough” from your vocabulary and instead choose greed.

  13. Demand incessantly. From your spouse. From your parents. From your children. From the world at large.

  14. Practice entitlement. The world owes you everything, doesn’t it?

  15. Make alcohol your best friend.

  16. Feel sorry for yourself. All the time.

  17. Consume news in excessive quantities.

  18. Stay away from exercise like the plague.

  19. Have affairs with sugary delights — donuts, pastries et al.

  20. Choose movies, TV shows, and other hedonistic options over books.

  21. Compare yourself with your other people.

  22. Fear failure.

  23. Be mortified by embarrassments.

  24. Travel heavy. Metaphorically and literally.

  25. Treat people as usable commodities who exist for the sole purpose to provide you with pleasure.

  26. Poke your nose in the lives of others. Tell them how to live their life.

  27. Believe that you can do no wrong. You’re always right.

  28. Believe that you can do no right. Have a low self-esteem.

  29. Sweat the small stuff. All the time.

  30. Complain and whine incessantly. To anyone and everyone who will listen.

  31. Believe that the purpose of life is to eat, drink and make merry.

  32. Give inordinate importance to others’ opinions of you.

  33. Be a workaholic. Spend all your time at work.

  34. Do no work whatsoever. Live like a bum. Ride the hedonistic treadmill.

  35. Take rejection badly. For years.

  36. Do a half-assed job in all activities.

  37. Choose being right over being kind.

  38. Feed your ego.

  39. Pick unnecessary fights.

  40. See humility as a sign of weakness.

  41. Gossip.

  42. Back-bite.

  43. Choose consuming over creating.

  44. Believe that a single betrayal is the end of your life.

  45. Choose pollution over nature.

  46. Say “Yes” to everything you should be saying “No” to.

  47. Allow toxic people into your life.

  48. Look for ways to show-off to others.

  49. Believe that nice guys and girls finish last.

  50. Let fear drive all your decisions.

  51. Be reckless when caution is the order of the day.

  52. Make guilt your constant companion.

  53. Don’t take ownership for your mistakes.

  54. Be jealous over other people’s successes and fortunes.

  55. Live life assuming you’re immortal.

  56. Resist change.

  57. Don’t cultivate an attitude of acceptance.

  58. Remain rigid about anything and everything.

  59. Make enemies over religion and politics.

  60. Be a pessimist.

  61. Think that people are constantly out to get you.

  62. Get into meaningless fights with strangers on the internet.

  63. Try to please everyone.

  64. Hold grudges.

  65. Waste time. Massive amounts of time.

  66. Stare at your smartphone before you realize the day has passed by. And soon, your life will pass by as well.

  67. Expect from others.

  68. Chase one desire after another.

  69. Remain fragile. Don’t work to become resilient (let alone antifragile).

  70. Choose your smartphone over your dinner companion.

  71. Love others conditionally.

  72. Procrastinate routinely.

  73. Be sensitive to criticism.

  74. Reject all negative feedback. Choose to associate only with people who give you praise.

  75. Worry about the future constantly.

  76. Take your loved ones for granted.

  77. Take life for granted.

  78. Live your life through your children. Impede their freedom.

  79. Ignore your spiritual wellness.

  80. Ignore your growth. Be happy stagnating in your less-than-ideal present.

  81. Abstain from contributing to charitable and worthy causes.

  82. Tell lies routinely.

  83. Max out your credit cards.

  84. Don’t seek out mentors who have been there and done that.

  85. Believe what everybody says. Don’t think for yourself.

  86. Live in a constant state of clutter.

  87. Refuse to throw out all the junk you’ve accumulated over the years.

  88. Judge people mercilessly.

  89. Live for today. Screw tomorrow. 

  90. Live only for tomorrow. Eschew all enjoyments. Live miserably.

  91. Believe that the grass is truly greener on the other side.

  92. Don’t have a purpose in life. Dither aimlessly.

  93. Be averse to pain and discomfort.

  94. Believe that the world is fair.

  95. Insist that things go your way.

  96. Cultivate vices. Smoking. Drinking. Gambling. And more.

  97. Ignore virtues.

  98. Be impatient. Seek instant gratification.

  99. Believe mastery and excellence are the prerogative of others.

  100. Refuse to take full responsibility for your life.

Originally Published on Medium

Image Credit: Timothy Dykes from Unsplash