2023, I have implanted these 11 lessons in my consciousness:

📍As much as I thought writing is an art, there is a science too behind it – absolutely learnable.

📍When you think you have written enough, you’ve just started.

📍Silence is revolutionary. It enhances perception, brevity, and impact in sentences.

📍Great rewards come with empathy. Create comprehensible content.

📍Hacks may work, but cannot replace the hard work a writer puts in.

📍Intentions can move mountains and punctuations can change the game.

📍Impeccable grammar weaves sense but simplicity builds engagement

📍Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder and your content can give beautiful experiences

📍Feeling the readers’ real-time presence helps write for them, and with them.

📍Thinking matters! Feeling matters no less. In fact, they build a writer-reader bond.

📍Out of office messages and resignation letters don’t always have to be straightforward. Pack them with punch, inspiration, and storytelling.

Writing to me is a journey like to many of you, not a destination. There have been times when I’ve been impatient with myself and followed the ‘trending hacks” to get traction but I realized that is NOT what my goal is, as a writer.

It’s NOT my goal to hoard likes and comments.

My goal is to share a part of me through my work, contribute and care for my readers- authentic readers, and bring a world of joy and peace when they read what I have to share. 

Who would have thought it would take years of writing to realize this?


Image credit: Pexels.com by lil artsy