I offer my obeisance to you and to the Divine Sri Maa in you Rev. Sri Om Swamiji🙏🌺🕉

The hardest thing you would unfold today would be the best gift for me on my birthday on 21st November. This little  child within turning 58 years of age now 😊would today ask and seek surely for a Blessing from you as a gift on my  birthday . This day could not get so mysterious with the  announcement on the last post  by you Swamiji, which led me to internalise  yet again to pen down what I long wanted to share with the Spiritual soulful world here. My experience, my Truth.

The sweet historic past:

I am sure we all remember our dear  Granny , our dear Mother arranging that Aarti ki thaali, lighting the ghee lamp, burning camphor, doing hawan with cow dung cakes, doing dhoono , ( smudging with loban/ frankincense) sage leaves. Purifying the whole house with holy water,  smear/ daub wet cow dung paste on the entrance of the floor of open individual homes. Chanting Isht Devi Devtas names. And it still prevails in almost every sweet home in India.  What was it in the true sense, so uplifting even if we did not understand the meaning . The Reverence to our elders , by touching their  feet, or seeking their Blessings before going for an important work,  the application of tilak on the forehead all just showed  how our very pure intent which also lead to a strong will that worked to keep harmony and peace in balance of every heart and home. It also had to do with Mastering our Strength.

So what is this human searching for? In spite of having been blessed with everything so abundant by Nature we still have an unending, sometimes even unnerving quest

.Kya hai yeh insaan ki fitrat?
What is this human nature in the true sense?

kya kisi ne is ke antarman ko Pooja….
Did we truly enquire or acknowledge our life’s existence …

We are all different  people, but with very identical  emotions of the five senses. Our desires, goals be it of Success, Happiness, Name , Fame, Money, Power or having Good Relationships , an everlasting Smile  and Contentment  leading to inner peace are the identical traits we  commonly share as humans .

There are times in our life when we do look for serious answers, we either choose to become  a good listener or an impatient listener, we either wake up to a day smilingly or grumpily, pick up tasks with a carefree spirit  or wrestle with our surroundings  unstoppably because of our ego.  There is a constant churning  internally of the  over and under currents of understanding and many a times in this chaos we hardly notice the Truth of our very heart beats .

The best inherent nature is we keep skilling  ourselves in excuses and blames on  our dear and near ones and bask in the roller coaster overpaid giddy rides of life. Many times out of hopelessness or  sheer quest,  we  start to knock several doors for answers,  required and also the  not so required.  Our ventures do take the shape of adventures and looking out for respite outside, as life seems like a deep quicksand as we tread forward after investing well in our  big gum boots made of doubts and fears , negativity and  a fashionable overloaded coat filled with feelings of inadequacy,  insecurity and curiosity and conveniently influence our Will power our very force.  At the assigned destination we sign up to heal ourselves for good, paying well for beautiful vacations to joining the Clubs of Modality World to experience and taste  different buffet  laid of healing and its meaning, according to our hunger pangs .Do we find our own individuality or do we drop it on the path?

The Prestigious Tags: Many a times starred and applauded and then desirably lauded as certified healers and trust me it helps, atleast psychologically . For now we have entered a big bright world of Spiritual healing kingdom that is immensely popular, a great big social club  in real and virtual world,  a space where we are able share or vent out which is great, but many a times the word sharing becomes too habituated in real life and that hinders one’s growth too, though  we truly come back home promising ourselves to carry on with utmost sincerity. Yes modalities work, but what is that bigger Power  that works behind it? It’s undoubtedly our Pure intent, Faith  and Dedication.

Interestingly there are ones who don’t venture out so there are other doors welcoming them with a ply card of  an even broad smile , thankfully to the mindset’s of the make believe world we are surrounded  with, where there are possible means of seeking astrological guidance, to white magic , from placement of things , by doing Vaastu or Feng Shui to get that tiny and beautiful peace and luck working in personal life to professional life, wola  ! It works. Again what truly works behind this mystical usage , undoubtedly more than everything is nothing but our Pure intent and Faith in all the placement of things or wearing different stones, for visuals and your investment in things make you realise that it’s all going to work for you and an intent too works when you are working to purify your heart, with intense Faith and right knowledge.

Breaking down or eliminating the inner Faith:  Eventually we do start feeling Blessed when we find a Divine path, discover that surrendering to Him,  the Biggest Supreme Power is the Ultimate Truth. The journey moves on…but then  does life guarantee it would not strike on us uninvited ?
Only time reveals our true metal of strength and discipline, for one major untoward incident and we many a times give up on everything suitable done and achieved, as  the deep seated issues trigger  up touching yet again some residual remains of our very core  and starts battling with the memories of the past , present and future and we shut down to the world yet again. All the remedies and teachings, Spiritual practices go for a toss . What is this innate nature of human and how do we understand it? 

I sometimes wonder what our Divine God might be thinking looking at us…

What we call Bhaav and Bhakti succumbs to our unhealed moods, and God  surely looks at us smilingly and taps onto our heavy heart as if saying, “ Did my Bhakti weaken you or awaken you?” “ Was your effort and humility offered to me to test my worth or you faced the blows with grace and kept your faith in me, and emerged a better you?” “ I always kept a watch on you, but did you wound yourself yet again with traces of fear and ego and missed my presence every day ?” “Your existence as a Soul in this body is to work and breathe divinity and Bliss as  a constant choice  on a daily basis”. “ There is nothing you are short of from cherishing and experiencing the elemental beauty you are surrounded with, but never forget  as long as you have excuses, you will also have mess”. “You  have come here to work towards your progress to shed, empower and to kindle a kind feel within, and then lighten the world”.  “Do not allow your Bhakti to be tampered by every mere vague incident that is looking to grab your attention and sum up an entire life in haste as waste”.

Do we choose God either for our convenience or as excuse? A small story would like to share

Nasruddin Hodja went to a tailor with a piece of cloth and asked the tailor to stitch him a shirt. The tailor took his measurements.

“When will it be ready?” Nasruddin asked the tailor.

“God willing, it’ll be ready in a week’s time,” said the man. Nasruddin could hardly wait for the week to pass. On the morning of the seventh day he hurried to the tailor’s shop. He was bitterly disappointed when he learnt that the shirt was not ready.

“God willing, it will be ready the day after  tomorrow” said the tailor. Two days later, Nasruddin was again at the tailor’s shop. The shirt was still not ready.

“God willing it’ll be ready on Saturday,” said the tailor.

On Saturday it was the same story. “God willing…,” began the tailor.

“Stop! Stop!” said Hodja, now thoroughly fed up. “Tell me, how long will it take if you leave God out of this?”

So true, each day a conscious combined  pleasing effort ,  so well explained by our Sri  Om Swamiji. Thank you immensely for your unconditional teachings and wholesome wisdom”.

A Glimpse of My adventures…more than ventures..

I have had the opportunity to meet different “TEACHERS” , a Soul who stepped out of her home out of sheer quest. For a person who was least interested in studies, an atheist , so you can imagine I would not plan anything that would not suit my heart. Yes, my venturing did show me a trace of what I was looking for, but there was nothing called “Spark”. It seemed all bright in the beginning, experience getting  certified, practice. It seemed vague  and eventually one discovers that another venture or lesson to enhance the continuation of the previous lesson is important . For when you attend one workshop which is claiming to be the  Ultimate by the end of it you are made to feel that another workshop is coming up that would give you a much more bigger clarity or awakening.

It was quite an experience for I knew those were things that are not much required but they did open a whole new world to it’s functionalities and hence today I could open up about it. I never looked for approval because that is not  my personality , for I played every role given to me more than 100% . The modality world unlike any other world also comes with it’s fair share of biasedness and it’s interesting to know and experience that all that you were encountering at your home that felt overwhelming you are actually obliging to the same tendencies many times outside too. Healing also requires immense dedication from us. There are no free lunches. Do watch this video link to get bigger clarity .

Grace does not come with a shelf life: Why I had to elaborate on all this is because I have experienced practically everything personally.  I was never satisfied with the learnings at the workshops I attended , found myself out of place  and to few of the teachers I mentioned to them on the very first day that this is not what I was looking for. Even though the teachers were good in their subjects,  strangely something would show up that would reflect everything as a mere play, and too preachy  or by the end of it was made too Godly. It’s like you get out of one conditional shelter and land yourself into another luring Conditional  Shelter . The  bigger truth is that even the teachers  too would go through their own human encounters and emotions on day to day basis, which is normal. So what makes us feel inadequate?

What gets more interesting that we get out of our homes, with a wishful thinking and quest but we fail to realise that at every step also we carry our own intent to heal ourself, to better ourself.  ( Does it remind you of your Granny’s or Mom’s daily pooja again😊) As a student you may give your 100% but do not expect wonders in return, for eventually you have to walk your own path.

I backed out even though I was approached by most of the teachers to organise events for them on a lucrative offering, initially I gave it a go out of sheer respect, but soon realised that the onus would then lie upon me in carrying forward a thrusted legacy  of healing people or answering  their queries after the teacher left back.

So unknowingly you are made  or asked to remain a follower to them and also keep convincing people for their sake. That is not what I looked for in life. A right  knowledge can never withdraw or weaken your own  strengths, it can only  fill you with the wisdom of being grounded and be abundantly content. Yes money is important but when healing or teaching  becomes too preachy and business like their is mere Soulful content left to it. The after effect of many workshops is the wats app group formations . So your day starts to look at you interestingly , and later all zapped in the eyes, for constant messages, constant interactions on social platform leading to not only the vision blurred but the brain too that your organs start looking for some hydration too. It becomes a fad for many. What is the point of spending hours day in and out constantly when the same energy could be channelised in silence or creativity to awaken us to our own self beautifully.

Dedication and Discipline: Also how many modalities can your Soul handle, was my answer to myself each time, and this self communication is very vital everyday,  for at the drop of a hat different modalities keep dripping to uplift the Soul.  I wondered at times that how did our ancestors survive their period without many such wondrous  modalities and went unenlightened or enlightened 🙂 

We say we have come here to decondition or rather unburden the Soul. Imagine sitting the whole day just mugging books,  penning down points of the workshops , putting them into daily practice , which is perfect but many a times at the cost of ignoring  all that is important , a role to be carried forward or undertaken at your home or even your work which is true Saadhnaa too. I never took up anything till the time my kids did not grow  up , but for sure kept doing my simple sweet Pooja for years with deep Bhaav and intent and it truly worked,  for every role assigned is Grace asking you to give it 100%. And what keeps you going and still be heard is a simple prayer to the Divine that heals abundantly.

Knowing is good but If only knowing would could wash away the residue sticking to your soul, perhaps every book would manifest all that is only the best and good  for us.

I am glad I still feel my same old self, till I happened to virtually meet Sri  Om Swamiji.  I was looking for a very wise Buddha Soul who could open me up to myself even the more.  He has uncovered the Pandora box  of simplified and strong wisdom that I was looking for.  The way he shows up for every minute detailing on human nature is profound. And trust me many Teachers that I encountered just stuck to the subject as a lesson without giving a True lesson of life important.

Today’s post is all about purity of intent, our inner faith, to let go of things that no longer serve your Soul, with due respects to all the Teachers, but a humble request to all the seekers please don’t follow the herd, do not  complicate your Soul with too many modalities, sessions do help and each one is free to experience his will,  but the work on thyself is everyday forever and that forever path is beautifully lit by Rev. Sri Om Swamiji.  

While writing I remembered few words of the poetry by Bulle Shah..

Parh Parh Ilm Hazaar Kitaaban,

Qaddi Apnay Aap Nou Parhiya Naee,

Jaan Jaan Warhday Mandir Maseedi,

Qaddi Mann Apnay Wich Warhiya Naee,

Aa-Vain Larda Aye Shaitan De Naal Bandeaa,

Qaddi Nafss Apnay Naal Lariya Naee.

By: Bulleh Shah

Yes, Yes, You Have Read Thousands Of Books,
But You Have Never Tried To Read Your Own Self
You Rush In, Into Your Temples, Into Your Mosques
But You Have Never Tried To Enter Your Own Heart,
Futile Are All Your Battles With the Devil ,
For you have never tried to fight your own desires.~.

The best things about distractions is it would still lure you to experiment which is good but not at the cost of loosing your everything and eventually loosing everything.

The only thing rightfully and made simplistic is Mantra Sadhna and Meditation and undoubtedly Rev. Sri Om Swamiji is the Grandest. The wisdom shared by him is immensely the best, it’s as if a whole lot of Pandora Box has been uncovered, and I can vouch one would have to shelve tremendous amount to gain such wisdom otherwise. So grateful to him🙏🕉🌺Thank you from the bottom of my heart Rev. Sri.Om Swamiji.

So let’s  pick that Pooja thali , Light a Diya , do the dhono with camphor or sage , a small Hawan, offer a flower to our loving Deva in all sincerity and conduct and walk all spirited in the most content manner we have all the means.

We are born with a Buddha  bowl an abundant overflowing bowl of kindness and compassion  , a bowl that  keeps showing how our life revolves and evolves. Whenever we raise our hands for receiving blessings from the Divine let them be raised first for thyself to complete us in every manner.

The different Teachers on my path I met . Still to meet Sri. Om Swamiji but seems I have already met him🙏🕉 Isn’t it Sheer Grace😊

In the picture the names of the Teachers: Dr. Newton Kondaveti, Maa Gyaan Suveera, Sh. Satya Brat,  Leonard Orr, Dr. Alex Orbito  , Smita Jaykar. Everything just happened for the sake of it, for my quest was to just get to speak to the spirits of my Parents.  What is the Law of the Spirit World? Is it Destiny or Karma? It had nothing to do with me… but it led me eventually to Rev. Sri. Om Swamiji .

End of the day it’s all about Emotions and memories , we are emotions , we have taken birth from emotions . Acknowledge  feelings, embrace them, and don’t run away when they become uncomfortable or take you by surprise. Your spectrum of feelings is actually a guiding force to the life you want to live. Pat yourself each day.

Divine Grace Light up your Path, and always keep you out of harms way”. ~Om Swami

Thank you immensely for dropping by and reading this post, with due respects to all the teachers, healers and light workers you are all amazing  and I have no intentions to hurt anyone with my humble experienced Truth. To all my Spiritual family here, the tags that you see in my author details, please just don’t bother about them,  they are experienced tags and are now simply there. I follow my heart that guides me each day to relish my simple food/ bhojana, remaining in outmost Gratitude  and all  that truly works is a simple path to joy and Bliss is of Mantra Sadhna and Meditation well guided by Rev. Sri. Om Swamiji with all my heart 🕉

Jai Sri Hari🙏
Siddhika Umesh

pic courtsey: Lord Ganesha of my Temple🕉