Making resolutions at the beginning of each year is common practice. But equally common is how the enthusiasm fizzles out as we go deeper into the months, and before we know it’s the start of another year and the same set of unachieved goals resurface on our resolution list.
Relatable? Well, I’m sensing a few nods there 😀
The good news is. It doesn’t have to be the same this time… So, here are five steps that will help us stick to what we set out achieving.
- Keep it simple!Â
Start by writing down all the resolutions you have for the year, and then go through the process of distilling them till you just have a maximum of three infront of you. Take time before deciding on these as your resolutions for the year. These three can be one for each of the main compartments of our life; Spiritual, Physical/Personal and Professional. Or just the three top areas that need focus.
More distilled the list, more likely that we’ve put in deep thought before deciding on them as resolutions.
More distilled the list, clearer is our focus towards achieving them.
More Focused we are, higher the chances of us achieving what we set out for.
Once done. Write them down in bold and bright and put it up where they literally stare in our face. If the goals are personal, write them down in your bed side diary and look at it before going to bed and the first thing after getting up.
2. Break it down, know the steps
Being faced with a huge challenge can be daunting or even demotivating at first, but seems much more achievable when we break it down to bite size pieces. Breaking your resolution down to quarterly, monthly and even daily goals makes progress measurable, which means you stay accountable if you’re falling behind.
It’s supremely importantly to lay out the plan that’ll take us to our goal. Just knowing that we want to reach the 12th floor is not enough, we need to know if we’re taking the stairs or the elevator to reach there.
3. Schedule it in
We’re more likely to do something, when we know when to do it. So being specific about when our desired task needs to be done is as important as knowing that it needs to be done. Scheduling the activity in our daily routine and making a ritual of it are necessary steps to ensure that these eventually become habits.
If I want to complete 10,000 steps minimum everyday. Then I’m more likely to be on track if I decide that 7,000 of these should be done before 4:00 PM. Well, that’s just how it works for me, but you get the point 🙂
Suit your schedule. But SCHEDULE IT!
4. Having an Accountability Group
Chose the disciplined and strict ones from your circle and share with them your resolutions. Give them the authority to check with you on your progress and pull you up when needed. It does not have to be taken too far, but sometimes that little pep talk and that little nudge is all we need to jump back in on the wagon.
5. Monthly Reviews
Have a diary, where you measure your progress on a monthly basis. A few useful guiding questions to ask against each of the goals are-
- What was my target for this month and how do I stack up
- Did I achieve this months Goal? If yes, what did I do right that made this a success. If not, what were the challenges I faced, and how can I navigate these next month.
- What were my learnings.
So.. following through this way.. BINGO – one month rolling into the other, all twelve would have passed and we’d be our new happy transformed self’s 🙂
I painted a nice picture there isn’t it? But for a moment Imagine that a sizable bunch of us truly go through with this transformation. Does that not collectively make us more successful and better versions of ourselves? Which then means we can serve better and bring about a wonderful difference to ourselves and in our circle of influence.
So yeah.. I’m in and will share with you in the next posts, my three resolutions for 2022 and how I plan to achieve them. Would love to hear what your list is and your plans of fulfilling them.
Hoping you’re with me on this journey and together we’ll make it count with a renewed sense of enthusiasm.
Let’s do this together! Let’s transform! let’s make a difference!
With Love and Peace to all,
I offer this post at the lotus feet of my Swamiji,
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