At dusk.. 


And every silent hour 

When the mind drifts from the mundane 

Ripples run through the settled brain 

Will this be my end 



Will you not walk with me 

Take me till the end .. 

The heart that once fluttered 

in the softness of Your Grace 

now shudders for an embrace 

The burning embers of 


land by me 

invigorating even more fear and pain 

In this world of power 

and gain 

It’s You alone who reins 

yet the tearing 

the slaughtering of the soul and bone 


I wish I could say give me strength

so I don’t feel the pain 

instead I bow and pray 

Show me Your might

roar louder 

let  bygones be drained 

into a new life 

with a new vibe 

take me into Your stride 

I fail at words 

even at prayers 

but those longing and sorrowful eyes 

scream in a language only You can hear

why, then  do You turn a deaf ear 

why do You in-still sanity 

when all I need in to be near

Are You the one

the scriptures eulogise 

a tapasvis pride 

Consort of Mother Divine

O Lord of the Lords 

unfold Yourself 

not coz I plead

but coz I need.. 

Like a dancer spent 

I lie at Your Lotus Feet .. 

All glories to my ever graceful Master and cutest Shri Hariji !! 🙇‍♀️🌸

P.S. It has been on my mind, but never found a way to express this. I would like to thank Sadhvi Vrinda Om Ji for being an inspiration in numerous ways. Through her books she has shared so many stories about Swamiji, a new world and a new way of life!!
Most importantly her poetry that always amazes me and inspires me on my journey!! Thank You Sadhviji!