I saw the post in my mail box at around 2pm. The topic was named Change. I gulped the entire thing with that typical emotion swimming in my heart. However among many golden words of the benevolent Guru ,the particular lines stuck in between were You can’t change others .Things can’t change others. Only time changes everything. And I am sure all of you read it. I don’t know what you all felt. My side of story is that  I felt lost. I felt betrayed .It was as if I betrayed my own self several times. You know ,why…like most of the people it was a vain perception of me to change things and people. But when I realized or realizing slowly that I am wrong I also realize that I took all these years. So what is the point now? Probably it’s not completely our fault. We are trained in our mind to do so. Like an oral literature it passed on and on. Always trying to change people..In tht trying for change we lost almost every energy . Hopefully most of us have or had some dreams with us which gave some chance to us to explore.YesThings change. But not necessarily we can change everything we want. So have we failed? I don’t think in this way now. We learned. Learned the truths of this uncertainty. And learning much more now..Now when living and dieing is uncertain so learning to extract more pleasure n peace through sipping a cup of tea, looking deeply to my mother,doing meditation in Black Lotus and small RAks.. I know that my spiritual journey is just at it’s fetus level and thankfully it boosted me to come more close to Divine Master..Yes, I stopped changing people and things ..And it helped me to know my self.