At Dawn
Your sweet fragrance
lights up my face
An eagerness
To bow down unto You
Is Your grace
I do my bit
Then silently sit
Gazing at Your mighty form
Like always
There is no response
Restlessness kicks in
One task after another
Skimming through them
Pausing the angst building inside
I try to nudge the why’s and when’s
Among physical and spiritual
The mind flips
Makes way for its own nuances
Like a stubborn child
It retaliates
Settling into the comfort of a well paved path
The risk of exploring a new one
it avoids
It knows that mother
is around
Watching no matter how far it goes
When I rebel
Succumbing to my own messy woes
O Dear Lord
Could You please hurl me
Back into Your folds?
A prayer
A wish
I surrender
At Your Divine door!!
All glories to the ever graceful Swamiji and magnanimous Shri Hariji!
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