Some time back, a doctor friend of mine told me, “Sharma ji, I’m planning to leave India and settle in Canada.”

“But why? You are earning well here.” I asked in bewilderment.

“That’s true. But I can be more successful, earn multiple times more in Canada” he said, with a confident smile.

“Sir, you have got highly subsidized medical education from a premier government medical college. It’s your moral duty to serve India – your motherland – and fellow countrymen. Surely you would be ditching your native soil if you turn tail, flee to a foreign country” I said angrily.

Very sadly, today success is being confused with making money, amassing properties, buying SUVs.

Many people equate success with power and position.

I firmly believe that outer things, external achievements are definitely not yardsticks for success.

Power, position, social influence, degrees awarded by foreign universities are all outer things/achievements which can’t bring lasting contentment.

I have seen that in spite of having great influence or affluence, many a people are barren – spiritually, intellectually and emotionally.

Would you call such persons successful?

Definitely not!

I for one would regard only those as successful who have :

(a) the ability to remain happy under all circumstances.
(b) the ability to make others happy.
(c) the ability to remain in peaceful harmony with God’s cosmic laws.

~ Sanjay Gargish ~