Premanandotpulkit Gatro VidyudhaRadhar Samkantih|
Radha Krishnau Manasah Dadhanam Vandeham Sri HitHarivansham||

I offer my obeisance to the Divine Lotus feet of My Acharya who’s always in the Joy of serving Yugal Sarkar.

Isn’t it the most importance acceptance of life? 

Surrendering yourself in front of your Guru.

Let’s start with the normal life situations. (Normal life , yes what else we can call a materialistic life because spiritual life is a tough life full of penance.) 

It’s been 21 years since I took birth here and I remember since the age of three or four only Deity I knew was Shiva and Kali, I only accepted them as my everything, if I see a Krishna worshipper (My Uncle) I used to ran away because I don’t want to accept that Krishna is supreme too, I used to argued with him that Shiva is only supreme and he used to smile. This is from where acceptance started in my life. Deep down I didn’t realised that this habit of putting my opinions on others and criticizing there opinions would become a problem for me in future. At early age my parents thought, he is just a child so he is just arguing like other Kids. But this didn’t stopped in childhood, the seed sown in early ages of five or six became a tree by age of fifteen, it lasted till the age of nineteen but something happened at the age of seventeen which changed my life.

In my childhood till my primary schooling I went to my Village school for studying, in village schools you will find strength of student’s in single digits. You see competition was less. I used to came at first position in almost all activities in my village, academic, cultural, till now I have not seen any competition.

After my primary education my parents decided to change my school and in 2012 I got admission in one of the good school of my District. I remember my first day at my school, I was not able to introduce myself, I saw others, copied their sentences and gave my introduction. Somehow the day passed but then I realized this going to happen in upcoming days, student’s of such school were very fluent in conversing with others while I was a shy kid sitting in the middle rows. After two or three months our first Unit Test were conducted by school and you know what happened? The Boy who was topper of village was not even in top 5 students of a class. I was shocked, I was afraid what my mother will say, I never came second in my old school and now I’m unable to get a rank in top 5. Somewhere  deep down I was not ready to accept this. I signed my report card and submitted that and few days later my Mother got to know, her school friend is a teacher in that school so she contacted her and to my surprise my social studies teacher was my Mom’s friend. She told my mother about Unit Test results and my Mom asked me where is the report card, I started crying. I was afraid to face her. She got angry, not because I didn’t got any position but because I lied to her.

She said I understand it’s very difficult for you to compete there, you just do your best. I accepted myself and started working on my self. For next three to four years till my Matriculation Board exams I used to come in top 5 positions in my class, sometimes third, but never second or first. Something was changed by this time in me, I built a habit of studying daily and waking up early in the morning. But in my first term examination at my school in 10th I got 50 marks out of 85 in Maths, when syllabus was just four units. I was shocked if I can’t study just four units then how I’m going to mass in my boards. Again that Mantra of Maa do your best, I started studying harder. I used to wakeup at 03:00 am, bath, then my Puja (Nitya Karma), by this time my Mother used to get some milk and biscuits with some dry fruits for me and by 04:00 am I used to start my studies till 07:00 am then I used to talk to my Grandfather and get ready for my school bus.

What happened after this, I scored highest marks in Maths in my whole class during Second term examination in December. But again I was at fourth position. In our school, special pre board exams for toppers used to start from Month of November only, once I asked my Science teacher, Ma’am I want to give these exams to which she said: “These exams are meant for toppers not for you.” I guess I shared this story of my teacher in one of my post. That time my Hindi Teacher took me with her to Principle’s office, she showed a great trust in me and requested Sir to allow me to sit in Special Pre Boards and by Mother Divine’s grace I stood first in my school, third in my district and 14th position in my state.

I was so happy and feeling peaceful because I worked on myself and I got some results.

This covered till the age of fifteen.

At age of seventeen I got admission in my college and I used to live in a hostel, this was a new experience for me because I used to sleep with my mother till my 12th examination and everytime if I go to sleep at 12:00 am she will sleep at that time and wakeup with me, she sacrificed so much for me. In my college I didn’t realised my behavior, I was becoming very selfish. When I wanted to go somewhere, I used to ask my friend to accompany me and he will go with me but when it’s my turn to show my friendship I used to step back. I was so insensitive that I was hurting my friend without having any clue what he was feeling. One day I got angry on a girl for a small reason and I scolded her in front of the whole class and that day my friend stopped talking to me. At that time I was all alone, with no one by my side. At that time I was able to look back what I have done. When I realsied how insensitive I was, I apologized to my friend and to everyone, it was in 2020 and I was nineteen at that time. After that I accepted that yes I did wrong and I’ll try not to repeat the same, if I do anything like this I’ll apologize as soon as possible and will not repeat that again. 

Best thing happened in 2021 was that, my friend said to me, “Abhishek I’m seeing a change in you, you are changed now.” That was the moment when I was so happy that yes I did it. #ThePowerof Acceptance

In our life sometimes we don’t even realise that we are hurting someone, one can know this only by seeing their self at the place of others. If I can’t accept such behavior from anyone then how can I behave with someone in such manner.

In my personal life I felt that acceptance is the key to unlock the better version of yourself.

Let’s move towards the light of Gratitude, Love, Compassion and Kindness with the power of Acceptance.

 (Now after doing different Sadhanas I realized Krishna and Shiva are same)

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