Today I was using AI Image generator “Mid journey AI” to somehow generate a realistic portrait of my ishta. 

Thanks to Akshay sir for posting a very beautiful post, featuring AI generated images to cope up with the storyline of the post. It’s a genius way to write a post sir, thank you very much. And today morning Ravitrivedi om ji posted AI generated images of devi ji based on Dhyan mantras, thankyou sir for the beautiful images you have shared.

But after rendering around 50+ images I observed some intriguing phenomenon. I will share you what but first,

How AI Image generator works 

An AI text-to-image generator often makes use of a machine learning technique called artificial neural networks that can receive input in the form of words, which it then processes to generate an image. The entire process takes mere seconds, so you can see the results of your “work” immediately. Hypotenuse AI

There are two models that Any AI generator adopts

1) Refrence model: here a reference image is edited according to the text.

2) Diffusion model:here everything is rendered from scratch.

So every text is compared with the thousand of available images and mixed with another thousand images related to next description of text.

For example: cow cycling red bicycle 🚲 ( you might have observed how now a days keyboard recommend emojis related to text ) so AI will arrange thousand of images of cows, red bycycle and fuse them with the thousand images of normal bicycle cycling images, till it fulfil certain limits by the codes. I too rendered a Image where I uploaded Swami Ji’s image for reference and commanded this (swami Ji’s picture) as Buddha, below you can check the result Swami ji's picture as buddha

Some more picture of swami I experimented by commanding playing flute, as Krishna….

How it’s related to sadhana?

In sadhana a sadhak May have a goal to have the vision of the deity she/he loves. But will the vision that someone had for a particular deity will be same for everyone who wants to have the vision of that deity. When I was rendering AI images no matter how much I try I was not able to attain the same result of the image with the same command. As there are thousands of images related to each description of the command, so is the million of instances that we have lived so far. We all lived differently among different people, eating and talking differently. Isn’t that will reflect on our ishta? 

“Jaaki rahi bhawna jaisi Prabhu Murat dekhi nit tesi”

Isn’t it stating same neural rendering of bhawana we had since ages. This also reflects onto our choices ,our interest,liking and disliking , isn’t it?

If we had brought up in a different family let’s say American Cristian family , would our interest be same as now?

Isn’t the same truth adopts the form according to us? A unique form? Our very own ishta? Only our truth?

Adding some some more AI images  🙂