Just as the stars dim
at dawn
I wilt and wane
in vain
when you are gone.
All’s well, there’s no lack
and yet, somedays, it so feels
the lustre has left
rolled amongst your things.
Life slows down
and slow is welcome too
it’s the haze that settles in
…refusing to leave.
Mornings fly by
afternoons too
nights are quiet
just as they should be.
Some days, when you sleep
eyes resting gently
on your soft cheeks
the heart knows peace…
Is there anything I need
the answer is no
the little fixes, one craves
you outgrow them too.
And why not
I’m happy
I’m in love
the rest is semantics
an ocean in a drawer…
note: Just as in life, sometimes, there isn’t much to say, I too have exhausted everything I could possibly say in these verses. For the truth is all that we hold dear is gathered in little drawers stacked in our heads, some unopened, some thrown open and then there are those long forgotten. A world, an ocean… oceans, lie in the depths of our consciousness, unaware we live, long lives, for what, for who, and why?
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