I offer by humble obeisance to you Rev. Sri. Sri. Om Swamiji🙏🕉❤️ Mata Rani Bless you with good health and deep peace🙏🕉❤️🌹


And when death knocks me from my sleep…

I only have to hold  its hand softly in ease …

And let it gently lead me to ‘’Thy Door’…




Oh! the morbid fear of death that afflicted me since childhood…

The old wrinkled skin of my Grandma made me feel so jittery…

I just kept wording a heart to heart flow of this weirdness within,

to never ever make me grow old , come what may…

all of this played in a mere six year old head …




An incessant carriage of conditioned thought of my loved Parents ..

with an equally gifted legacy pressed softly on them from their Parents…

The lineage of patterned actions playing the routine embedded vibe .. 

That you need four people to shoulder your dead body…

So better be up and about with the world or else you would have no one by your side..





But why is it so? and what if this invasion is completely withdrawn ..

And so be it! 

and You sweetly held me to feel the  unspoken path…

unbolting the Self from the shackles of this fictional myth…

dropping a heartfelt surreal message for the Soul today…

once more Mother Nature  in its metaphorical form answering…




And when Death Walks the Soul Home … 


I noticed death warble in celebration….

Its eternal glowing spirit embracing every frailness  …

Elucidating that the  Soul is shriveled  to experience,

a clear note of its unique freshness…




from fear to being fearless…

in extremity or birth or even the process to moment-living…

all is intricately designed by ‘Thy Presence’ and not mass carnality…



And amidst all the false claimants  shouldering  this temporariness …

This flow simply designated to embark higher ….

sans density and touch…

liberating itself from grand aged lineages full of mortal setting of favours…



‘O Maa’, this sweet Self, remains in pure benediction to be journeyed into the empowered aloneness…

under the grace of the humongous, lucent deep sky above….

the diversities all unmuffled, in pure oneness with holy Earth,

Purging and reseeding  joyance and freedom…

swaying in the blithesome sound of oceans within …



Your subtle, cosseted  ways of carrying me ‘O Mother’……

that even the unabating winds in communion with colossal nature…

site  a holy petal on this withered me so warmly and sacredly …

I only need your Grace …

It’s wondrous  to see  ‘The Honoured One’ Honouring  life…
Thy hands ever shouldering me, as I lay basking in ‘Everlasting Peace’.


Noticed this withered leaf (above picture ), on the path answering to my simple, curious awareness when you walk the path in aloneness, fearlessly, humbly ..  Thanking Mother Divine for making me pause, hear and witness Life in this tiny formation🙏




Jai Maa🙏🕉
Siddhika Umesh