We all love to spend time on ott platform watching movies or web series. But does this habit take a toll on our health? If so…how?

In the past week I’ve made a series of observations about myself that led me to believe that: The amount of screen time we have is directly proportional to irritability. By screentime I mean using devices for entertainment. So here’s the story that led me this conclusion. 

You’ll see many people who can pull all nighters and still breeze through the day. I’m not like that. I need to fulfill my daily sleep quota to function properly. If I don’t sleep properly then I become very irritable. I become so irritable that sometimes the sound of someone breathing can irritate me.

This week my university exams started. I had 3theory and 1 practical paper back to back. My exams are still left but there are a lot of study leaves in between. But the first 3 days were a nightmare and I barely slept at all for those 72 hours. I was very irritable on the first night. But after that my irritability just evaporated. I became as nonchalant as possible for the next 2 days. Even after being dead tired, I didn’t have my usual irritability.  So I wondered what was causing that and after much deliberation I got my answer. 

Those few days I barely had any screentime. Although I used my phone and laptop for studying but my use of them for entertainment purposes were very very limited. 

Yesterday my practical exam got over at 4:30 pm so I was just chilling in the evening and watching movies the entire evening.  And sure enough my irritability had returned.

So the next time you’re extra irritable just check if you’re watching too much ott.