I’m so grateful for your love
sparkling like a diamond in the dark
little little things go unnoticed
on many a dusty floors
your gaze falls on the ground
and from its crevices
life springs
Here I’m compelled
to speak my mind
having well crossed any bridges
of reasoning on my way
pretty sensibilities too
have lost their sense
such is devotion’s sway
O Bhagwan having entered my heart
You’ve left the door wide open
now as your grace
colours my day
blows in gentle as a draft
I don’t know what to do with myself
as the tide of love washes in
Plain words are needed
to be laid out
like a child’s uniform
and yet, my heart knows
of no easy way
that’d immortalise your grandeur
in a few simple lines
Helpless I feel
why do You not give me more
the mind so absorbed in You
is robbed of words
while your thoughts linger on
my hunger
for You grows
O sweet Bhagwan
I pray for new prayers
new words
a new timber of the voice
I pray You grant me
a million ways
to adore your gentle baby-face
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