Even though we feel,

That we live our lives alone,

But amidst every heartbreak,

Every failure every loss,

Every drop of tear,

And every time we gave up,

Someone was always there,

Watching upon us.

Only if we looked up,

From our self – cantered lives,

We’d realise that,

The stars have always been there,

Living our lives with us,

And never leaving us.

We’d realise that,

They have been shining,

And smiling all this time.

Because they already knew,

What we didn’t.

How one day we would discover,

The magic within us.

How one day we would look at them,

And smile right back.

–         Ashish Bagrecha (Book- Love, hope, and magic)

When I was reading this poem, I was feeling that. There is always somebody who is watching us. We are not alone at all. We are stronger than we think and we can get whatever we dream of. There is hope and magic.

We only need to trust the process and go with the flow. If we feel we need to change then we should change gracefully. We need to accept. Acceptance will make things easy for us.

 Life is beautiful, we are beautiful, we just need to embrace it. If there is pain then instead of ignoring we should feel that pain and embrace that.

Manifest all the things you want. The universe is watching and listening.

Keep smiling,

Thank you,

Riya Om

Pic credit: Dreamstime.com