I offer my obeisance to you Rev. Sri. Sri. Om Swamiji🙏🕉Much Love and Light🙏🕉

वो कहते हैं  इक सराय की तरह सदा बसर होती है ये जिंदगी

इक तिनके से पूछा तो जाना किस कदर रूहानियत से होती है इसकी बंदगी


It’s said that that life thrives and leads all through in unknown inns

I enquired from a dried thin sprig on the path and it showed  me how to turn inwards and offer life as worship.

Stepping outside the home , connecting to the passages outwards, with two of my fav holy trees that barely withers…

If trust was not blind, life would not have experienced colors of nourishment and it’s sacred depth . As I tread the passages of my walk after three months of sabbatical today,  from the awe inspiring four walls of my learned room, I felt I was greeted with the same amount of overwhelming joyous spirit of nature outside as before.  The cool waves refreshing and  intermingling with the sounds of my footsteps, I felt greeted with smiles of the  shrunk and sunken bushes that once blossomed with laughter and exuberance, but their spirit remained intact even now. So much resilience, yet no complaints.  It is this sheer blind love of nature that expects nothing of me but offers to  heal me , caress me , once it saw me taking my steps yet furthermore. 

This sacred blind love is the love of the unknown , carrying messages of the unknown, frequenting my untouched core awaiting to be catered and addressed graciously .

As I walked ahead slowly  on those passages, I could see blend of the clear and shady  skies reflecting deeply on the dried skeletons of the trees that adorned barren cloaks , yet smiling with wide open arms and it felt every bit of  their structure seemed all set  even at this stage to rebirth in few days time , with their souls all focused to get set on another journey to freedom.

The beautiful leaves from these trees that once added so much colour and joy to the environment had all shed themselves and faded and transformed into thin strands of dried sprigs which looked like piled heaps of brittle bones carrying history of evolution that now lay lifeless and scattered on this cold ground in surrender .  The changing weathers never forgets to leave marks of its history on its species. Isn’t it! 

Least concerned of the pain incurred by the passerby’s  step, they are further rolled far and wide by the gales of the wind. They crave nor seek any acknowledgment or attention  , but instead happily accepting, breathing and braving through every ordeal these little sprigs still continue to  nourish with every trace of their identity as an offering of worship to Mother Nature in an everlasting, ceaseless Blind Trust.

They know they are taken care of in The Divine Mother’s lap.

My footsteps though headed for a long walk, lead mysteriously towards a Church for the first time. With not a single person inside as I made myself seated quietly for an hour with the kind permission of Pastor Todd and head staff Kayne.

The undeterred Blind trust on Mother Nature , communicating with her heart to heart, placed me peacefully face to face with My Divine 🍃🕊

Every little sprig and twig speaking its own story of evolution 

Every tree widening it’s arms 

The pathways so blindly trusted only to lead further ….

The holy Christ Lutheran Church opens its doors with a smile

As I witnessed the journey I gracefully tuned in to hear the subtle voice more clearly…..
Hail thee! ‘’every speck of nature that you experienced leads within and has to go through its process of crucification, keep evolving anyways”.   

Love and Peace🦢🌾

Siddhika Umesh

Main Cover Pic above is of the Lutheran Church from inside .