Hello and Welcome everyone to another blog of mine, it is my second one today because i did share some wisdom on my facebook page as well and i thought might as well copy paste the same here so people here can give it a read as well. This is not in sync with my previous blogs this is just another blog adding more to my last one, i will write a different blog soon with the answers to the question in comments and more elaboration on the answers too, stay tuned! This is copy paste from the facebook page please do not misinterpret anything, simply ask if any confusion is there, thank you!

So far we have discussed why our body is so important to us in this life. We might find various reasons to torture our body like oh i am being disturbed by this or that, or him/her, but at the end that is our mind trying to get us to that thing which would deresponsiblize us. Because responsibilities can be stressful but at the same time we also want great things, that is just laughable isn’t it. If you were the owner of a large company would you just give a million dollar job to an irresponsible and lethargic person, who just creates a tonne of excuses instead of getting something actually done, NO. Same applies to all of us, it DOES NOT matter what you have been through and what not, your present state determines what will come to you in the future. If you want something you need to develop yourself according to that thing and that includes adopting or rejecting alot of habits, that is up to your will power; will power is what makes you better than the other person. It is not knowledge, or wealth or physical strength or good looks or race or any stupid things we have been saying or talking about. Will power to endure the pain in the heart and letting go of things negatively affecting your life and making you more miserable. I am saying things not people, people are beautiful innocent souls each and everyone of them having infinite potential to do or become anything; they just do not realise a lot of things and hence they are always confused and derive their own conclusions to things but even those conclusions they are not sure of because every other day they wake up and see their beliefs being shattered by someone else and they are still confused and try to go about their lives somehow and making all decisions in that same state.

The most important system in our body is the circulatory system. The root cause of every confusion or delusion in your body. I want you to think of it as a network of pipelines, a very sophisticated one. These pipes of various diameters and lengths are going to every little nook and corner of our body. The headquarter and main control center of these pipelines is our HEART, where the soul is located. This heart will recieve, generate and send alot of things to these pipelines; will power is the most important thing of others. Now these pipes(nerves) should always be super healthy for the best propogation of matter through them. Now when we consume/abuse vasoconstriction foods like caffiene, alcohol, nicotine, or low ph foods anything under ph5, these pipelines are majorly affected. I’ll tell you how exactly, just for an example assume the total length of all the pipes in the body is 200 feet, like if you had to arrange all these pipes in a straight line you would get 200 feet. Some of these pipes consist of some very thin diameter (but very vital) because some of the most important areas in our body can only be accessed by these small nerves(capillaries). When you dehydrate them(vasoconstrict them) they unfortunately die out since some of them are one cell thick. Now when you consume too much of these vasoconstrictor things, what happens? I’ll tell you what happens, so remember the 200 feet of total lenght of nerves at the time in your body? All your energy, focus, will power, tolerance flowing through the nerves is now constricted to 180 feet. Because you lost 20 feet in the process of abusing the pipeline system, now you expect your tolerance, will power and decision making skills(calmness, patience) to remain the same; how will it remain the same? It is physically, realistically not possible. And then you start blaming the world and the universe.

Thank you so much for your time, let me know your questions and thoughts in the comments! 🙂