
An act of kindness

Showing seeds of growth

In budding kids

To make them think

Screw them

Explore and churn their mind

Inculcating in them

The power to think

And not to accept

The age old beliefs

Giving them freedom

To think and weigh

Make an opinion

In return

Help them in growing

Will become Well aware

And sensible soul

Children are future of tomorrow, so nurturing these budding souls is big responsibility where we may give them the opportunity to learn, weigh and decide and form their opinion. Time is ripe when we should not burden them with old ways of thinking and beliefs. Since, with burdening them with old beliefs will not let them grow mentally and intellectually. Raise in a manner that empowers them and help them grow better and good human beings. Soul who is happy to help and do good to the society is gem to the nation. Swami ji rightly said that children are future of tomorrow and good parenting is indeed a requisite in this fast paced world. while being stuck with old foundation will reap no benefits. Allow them to be free and give them wings to fly and touch the sky.

Jai Sri Hari 🙏🌸


~Neelam Om