Dear me from 4 months back,
I don’t know if anyone told you then how lucky you were going to be, but trust me these 4 months were or are the best months of this year. I remember what happened at the very beginning of the year and I know what happened in the middle. So many things were added to your life, so many things deducted from your life. But what stayed, was the love of the people. Forever true and in addition it just gets doubled.
From around your birthday, you have started telling the power you believe in that “You are grateful for the life you have and the people in your life”. Maybe it is because of these prayers or what, but your strength to get up, fall, and get up again in life is just increasing with each passing day. Let me tell you something, you aren’t going to fly always. You will have to see your dearest people going away, getting busy with their lives but staying true to their word and being there for you. Understand, maybe there is no requirement for you in their lives right now, but that has not made them leave you. They trust you, they are happy when you are happy and they guide you when you lose your way, but they have a life of their own and they are living what they dream of! So, you are going to be happy for what they are doing right now and they know you are proud of them. Just be proud of you for coming this way long.
You kind of lost a job in the beginning, you got a freelance project of your own, you started a business, took a great deal of creating something you love and maybe even failed at it again. You tried things around to keep you busy and sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn’t. You fell to the ground so many times in the last many months. You have cried your heart out to no one in front of you, just to go to sleep tired of crying. But the next morning, you woke up again with just the energy to get past the day. It is true that we give ourselves very little credit for what we have become over the years.
But again, understand, these last 4 months are very different and joyful. New people entered your life, old bonds grew stronger and left a few behind. This December, many more amazing things are going to happen. All you will have to do is believe in yourself. So, the next time when I write the letter, you will be more happy, strong, independent and loving of yourself.
Me looking forward to December.
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