Very few people learn to live without regrets. Letting go of our past sometimes seems almost impossible. And in our ignorance, when we try to control our future too, we create and invite more trouble for us.

Unfortunately this is a vicious circle. No doubt we all have some sort of anxiety, stress, fear, insecurities and feeling of loneliness.

And I am no exception. There are days when I feel so lost that none of the learning seems to help. When the intensity of my depressing thoughts try to dominate my whole physical existence, ALWAYS and I reiterate ALWAYS, my faith in supreme comes to my rescue.

Because I know my Ishta is not against me and will ensure that I sail throughchallenging time with some valuable life lessons.

Faith is a powerful force that can guide us through difficult times and provide us with hope and inspiration. However, developing faith is not always an easy process. It involves letting go.

Letting go is an essential aspect of developing faith. In order to fully embrace our beliefs and values, we must let go of the doubts, fears, and insecurities that hold us back. Letting go requires a willingness to confront our emotions and face our fears head-on. Not easy at all 🙂

The way I develop faith is by practicing gratitude and appreciate the blessings in my life. When we focus on the positive aspects of our lives, we are more likely to develop a sense of trust and confidence in the universe or a higher power.

While the process of developing faith can be challenging, it is ultimately rewarding and can provide us with a sense of purpose and direction.

Insights from

Loneliness : This is a wonderful post by Elena where she shares her journey of transformation from running away from loneliness to looking for solitude. And how having faith in something bigger helped her to see life differently. 

Look Around Please : We all have been somehow conditioned to be a people pleaser which can even adversely impact our relationships. In this post Riya Om shares her personal experience of how she looked forward to goodness in others and allowed letting go what hurts.

Mai Chronicles – 2: Kabaadi Wala: Neha Singh has shared a very personal journey of her grandmother and her bond with a particular rag picker and how it all changed when her grandfather passed away.  “Some memories are like those good old novels – buried deep down in a box, covered with layers of dust”. Read to know how some old habits die hard.

Seeking validation : In this Q&A thread in the community section, we can find amazing perception on why we need validation for our thoughts and action.

From the diary of Om Swami

A Story of  Faith : This post by Swami ji remains my one of the favorites from him. The surrender by sparrow in this story is something I am trying to develop. “Faith is not a tug-of-war between your desires and His grace (both of which are endless) hoping that one day you’ll lure God into playing unfair. On the contrary, it is letting go”. Life lesson in few lines.

Inspirational mention

Forest Man: Read about the inspiring journey of, Jadav Payeng, who was conferred the title ‘The Forest Man’ in Delhi by the Government of India on World Earth Day in 2010, for turning a barren land of 550 hectares (over 1300 acres) into a lush green forest all by himself.

May we all dream big and make the best out of our time on this planet.

If you have something interesting to share please use the tag Slice of Life and I will try to incorporate it in my upcoming round ups. 

Keep writing. Keep spreading love.

Stay inspired, motivated, and I urge you to live your best life.

Never forget – Stay happy. Be Grateful.