There is a surge of emotions and a blissful anticipation in meeting Your Master. If you stay away and are preparing to physically be present in His Presence, the heart is filled with such waves of eagerness and unknown joy. The meeting after a separation is the most awaited moment in a devotees life. It is like one’s earnest prayer being answered in the most precious way. His Darshan is a million joys put together. And if He does spare a glance and a smile on your being, that is liberation itself 

Being much attached to the activities in the physical plane, visiting temples, offering flowers and fruits, sitting before my Mother Goddess, conversing with Her and so on have been a way of life. When My Master revealed His Presence, all these emotions simply shifted to His Feet. Yet, the temple has been a little more accessible than His Presence and hence any trip to His abode brings forth inexplicable joy and eagerness.

Yet life has its own plans and He has His own ways to guide us. When one of our trips was just round the corner, my ailing mother in law passed away. My husband and his brothers completed the prescribed rites. Afterwards we were told the list of customs our family was to follow for the coming year. In the list was no visits to any kshetra, any temple and no Guru seva for a year. I had been told about it in several other similar occasions, but this time when the words were conveyed to us personally, it hurt. 

In times such as these, His Glipmse becomes so much more precious and so much needed for the heart and soul.

But when something is conveyed to me as a custom, my heart is inclined to obey it to the best of my ability. It does not argue and nor does it find a way to twist its way out. The decision has been made and it will be followed as His Will.

Now comes the most difficult part. To obey with love and remain cheerful. That I cannot meet Him itself is another way of writing I am hurt and I am in pain. Tears trickle on their own. How do I turn this into, I am happy to obey what has been told and there will be a joy in this experience too.

My omnipresent and omniscient Master, knows the emotions in my heart like no one else can. Every moment after bowing down to Him has been a celebration of the most wonderful kind.

This distance will maybe break the physical boundaries and shift my awareness and experience beyond the physical realm forever. For my heart knows, every pain sent and every tear shed was transformed into eternal wisdom by His Grace. 

At His Feet placed in my heart I rest all my feelings and there will be no looking back as maybe after finding Him within, there will be no distance to cross. 
