Each children somehow attracts me. Their curiosity is fascinating and always seems so natural. I am currently working as a peon. I deliver letters and articles to home in my assigned area.
I get to see them play with some sticks. One children was playing with just dust.

It always reminds me how little we need to be happy.

One kid was coming from school with a longer bag than his height. It may seem that his parents are progressive. But I doubt , how can a small children carry such huge weight on his little shoulders or in his head.

Two very cute children were sharing their food with each other. True friendship with genuine concern who LOVE each other. Pure soul attracts all including the dirty , to make them pure.

Once Ramana Maharshi was asked , ” How to love others? “
His answer was , ” There is no others”

This kind of true love is only possible by the divine one. Everyone has him within. But, in children , God is much closer.

With his inspiration I am writing for the first time. If you want to suggest me something to improve my writing, please let me know.
Jai sri krishna
Jai Guru deva
Namo parvati pate har har mahadev