Be Strong
The entire community sung
This soulful song
Yet pensive tears
Embraced me all along
Sometimes, I’d hide then
in my enchanting smile
at others silently shed them
and bid adieu,
To be strong
One day it’ll all turn to bright hues
Said one and all
Except the ruler
To whom we belong
He stands for truth after all
False hopes
Would caress this fleeting soul
I looked up for some
But He stood tall and strong
Ever smiling
Magnanimous and mysterious
He never whips His magic wand
Grace is always bestowed
Yet far away in the distant land
The veins to my heart remain closed
Like abandoned petals
my eyes forlorn
Pleading , Praying
At Your altar
I show up at every dusk and dawn
If not all these years
Of longing and callings
What is it that will melt
Your heart?
Will You O Dark Lord
Turn me into the one
You’d keep close
Until eternity and beyond ?
P.S Just like duality and non-duality, Hope and the absence of it are part of my life as much as everyone else’s. It is in the moments of despair and in its void that the heart yearns for the Lord. He is there but He is not. A mystery only He can unfold.
All glories to the very graceful Swamiji and magnanimous Shri Hariji !
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