When we make resolutions we are quite confident that we can pull it off. I never believed in having any resolution but this year with Micro Habits vision board I was sure I can do it. As they say- there is no motivation better than success.

When I successfully incorporated first goal in my routine I knew I had arrived. 🙂

But time had other plans. Come February and I was absolutely off track with my goal.

Given the fact that I sleep by 11 pm maximum, I thought it will be an easy task to stop watching screen after 10 pm.

But how wrong I was.

Trust me without this goal I was quite close to keeping my phone aside by 10.30 pm, that too on silent mode. But this time somehow my phone kept me glued to its screen as late as 11:30 pm one day.

The closest I was successful in this goal was only for 2 days that too not exact at 10 pm.

February was a very challenging and mentally draining month for me as I had one important travel planned and once I was back, next day my daughter fell severely ill. 17 of her classmates had same symptoms with 3 being hospitalized.

One week went in travel, where there was no particular routine and phone was the savior.

Next week was spent in running around hospitals.

Another week was wasted in convincing school authorities about delaying the exams given the poor attendance of the students.

And last week of February was spent worrying about my mom’s health whose sugar level hiked upto 400 and she was having a gala time in family functions. 

All these took a toll on my mind and almost I became insomniac with no sleep in sight. Nothing worked, including Yog Nidra.

Now among all this I was only on phone (screen) searching, calling, texting, paying bills, answering late night queries and worries of school parents, and of course BL app. (I completed 1000 days streak, thank God something good happened in February).

For March, my vision board mentions 5 days workout every week. And only today Swami ji posted a 31 day challenge on Wildr. And I am sure this is not a co incidence. I am all motivated to complete this challenge as I have HIM as an accountable partner.

My only concern is I have two travels planned this month along with two events, where I have a crucial role to play. I had my doubts that almost on six days I won’t be able to make time for my workouts. 

But we humans are very good when it comes to finding loopholes.

I realized nowhere Swami ji has mentioned about the time duration of the workout so I am going to take advantage of this and instead of missing on my workout, I might reduce the time and finish a quick one. Could be few jumping jacks or burpees, or may be 4 rounds of Surya Namaskar or simply spot jogging for 15 minutes.

I feet super elated with this plan and already high on Josh Sir.

How many of you are going to join this challenge? And please wish me luck that I successfully complete my March’s vision board.

Till I come up with next post, keep working out. 

Jai Sri Hari