The three important pillars of life are faith, hope and love which have a great influence on one’s life.

Everyone has their perspective on these, I will share mine.


Sometimes, when life becomes a little harder, we experience failures and things don’t go around as we planned then faith is the first step we take, even if we can’t see the whole staircase. Faith is believing in the unbelievable and accepting the unacceptable and for me, faith is believing in god even when we can’t see and understand it.

I think there is a slight difference between faith and blind faith, faith is understanding and then believing but blind faith is believing and then hoping it’s true while ignoring those who don’t agree with you.

Let me give you one example of blind faith, when you go shiv temple, people clap in front of shivlingam, by seeing this the other people will also do the same but do you know the reason or story behind this?

Chandikeshwarar is the guardian of shiva’s property. It’s not a clap. You dust off your hand to show him that you are not taking any of shiva’s property out of the temple. It’s like a security check when you are about to leave. People who don’t know this started to clap thinking that the previous guy made some clap sound here so probably that’s the way to pray to this god. Knowing the reasons help you to make your faith stronger.

Faith helps you to discover your purpose in life. It takes time to develop faith. When we are facing a difficult situation, it first gets harder then it gets better. Sometimes we lose ourselves until one day we find the courage to get through and that strength comes from faith. Whether it’s your faith in God or in something else, that faith shall set you free.


Hope is something which inspires us to keep going in life. Hope tell us to keep trying. To keep waiting and keep working
A great line said by Faiz Ahmed Faiz

“दिल ना उमीद तो नहीं नाकाम ही तो है, लंबी है ग़म की शाम मगर शाम ही तो है”

Some moments come into our life when there will be no one to support you, to guide you, to make you laugh. You will be left totally alone with only negative thoughts around you.

Then what stays with us is only the hope that tomorrow maybe things will be better than today.

Hope helps us to look forward to something in life. Hope lies in small things like

  • Hope is what helps a child sleep when his father is at the border fighting for his country.
  • Hope is what gives a cancer patient strength to fight against all the odds.
  • Hope is every night we go to bed, we have no assurance to wake up alive the next morning but still, we set our alarm for tomorrow.

Hope for a better future is what keeps us going.


Love is, of course, a very difficult emotion or term to describe in a single word. Love, in my opinion, is all about those magical, heart-warming moments of complete selflessness.

A few examples of these moments are :

  • There are 4 members in the family, and only 3 apples and then mom says: “I don’t like apples.” Love is that innocent lie.
  • Love is when your father silently comes to your room just to check whether you’ve fallen asleep or not. Love is to care without showing  
  • Love is when you steal chocolate from your brother’s bag every day, and he still puts it in the same place. Love is sharing 
  • Love is when you are aware of your flaws but the ones you love never leave your side. Yes, love is about never giving up on someone

Love is the foundation for every good thing in our lives. Without love, nothing else matters.

Faith, hope, and love. Carry them with you wherever you go