In great doubt
You are my shield
Your greatness overshadows
every bumbling question
each disbelief

O Lord merciful
If I were to lose You
I would surely die
if not the body the soul
will wilt and dry

Five paces from You
is like a sea in-between
what has happened to me
why does it rain
what these eyes don’t see

Oh your innocent ways
have gone to my head
the stronger You make me
around You
the weaker I feel

You are so close
many times a day
I touch your feet
do I smile or do I cry
I don’t really know

O Lord sacrosanct
you’ve the beauty of child
something inside me jumps
to cover those five paces
at the sight of your form

Now these long days ahead
less as they maybe
and near as You are
I miss your dark gaze
the black stone of your being

O sweet Bhagwan
mysteriously quiet
Your spell is cast deep
five paces in-between
and I’m already lost

A sea must I swim
to be by your side
it’s like catching a peak
of your beloved
who’s been gone a while

O supreme Lord Narayana
I’ve never known love
to be so kind
for the heart to know peace
as it does by your holy feet

Now I can’t let You be
there’s five paces in-between
I can’t cover them just yet
maybe it’s your turn
to come look for me