The victim of a frame-up, a truthful acquaintance of mine was recently fired from a senior position in public department. “What’s my fault, Sharmaji ?” he asked me innocuously.
The only vehicle that my father had in his whole lifetime — an official, black colored ambassador car, with a chauffeur.
A highly decorated officer, he remained very upright, altruist.
He could easily have made tons of money, bought properties, by selling his ज़मीर (soul).
Instead he chose to remain loyal to his organization, nation.
Post retirement, he lived comfortably.
Some of his unprincipled colleagues/juniors, however, made a fortune through unscrupulous deals.
Post retirement, they lived luxuriously.
More than money, my teaching profession has given me contentment, respect.
My eyes fill with tears of joy when I see the saplings planted by me transforming into mighty, fragrant trees.
Shrewdly and unethically, my confreres have turned the profession of teaching into a money-oriented activity.
When they see me on foot, they mock and zoom past me haughtily in their flashy SUVs.
Anyway, good guys always finish second!
“What’s my fault, Sharmaji?”
Well, the answer my dear lies in the following lines :
रामचंद्र कह गए सिया से ऐसा कलयुग आऐगा, हंस चुगेगा दाना दुनका, कौवा मोती खाऐगा.
कलयुग में काला धन और काले मन होंगे,
चोर उच्चके नगर सेठ और प्रभुभक्त निर्धन होंगे,
जो होगा लोभी और भोगी, वो योगी कहलायेगा.
हंस चुगेगा दाना दुनका, कौवा मोती खाऐगा…
कलयुग में धर्म भी होगा, कर्म भी होगा, लेकिन शर्म नहीं होगी,
बात बात पर बेटा अपने बाप को आँख दिखायेगा.
हंस चुगेगा दाना दुनका, कौवा मोती खाऐगा…
कलयुग में मंदिर सूना सूना रहेगा, भरी रहेंगी मधुशाला,
पिता के संग भरी सभा में नाचेगीं घर की बाला,
कैसा कन्यादान, पिता ही बेटी का धन खायेगा.
हंस चुगेगा दाना दुनका, कौवा मोती खाऐगा…
~ Sanjay Gargish ~
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