At the end of the day all that matters is the life in our years. Barely have we reached the age of seven that the pressure is on. Completion of one school year gives rise to the next ambitions, set by parents. Dreading the parental pressure, the child forces himself to achieve one goal after another. Excellent grades are not necessarily a positive outcome for those little brains, because any drop in performance no doubt leads to disappointment from the parents.

Failure becomes the most feared outcome, we forget to live, and little do parents know that they planted a seed of negativity in those little hearts. Great minds, verily, are those which are allowed to expand beyond conditioning. Heights, which haven’t been reached by the ordinary, are only reached by those who live fully and discover themselves.

Independence arises from great imagination, fearlessness, and an unconditioned mind – these empowering tools can propel any human into living an extraordinary life, yet we have not been encouraged to promote these. Jingle bells excite us once a year, but what keeps us going all year round? Kilos and grams increase on the scale and we despise ourselves, but have we lived?

Later when asked, how was your life, what will you say my friend?! “My life was a sum total of work, problems, accumulating money and living for myself”. Nothing more? Oh dear, maybe you can turn things around. Propel yourself into greatness and live fully. Quality life. Real moments are made of the unplanned turn of events, filled with laughter and various shades. Surprise yourself, because you are full of potential, you are full of life and life wants you. That’s why you are here. Under the burden of pleasing others, don’t allow your life to slip away.

Veils, delusions, expectations are all colours of the mind, getting between you and a fully lived life. Will you act now? “X hurt me, Y stole my happiness, and the world didn’t walk with me”, I hear you say. Yes, not everything is rosy, yet this life will only be remembered in moments, not in days, not in months – only in moments and memories, which you lived fully. Zone in, know yourself, live fearlessly, love freely because have you even lived otherwise!?

AN: The idea was to write something by starting each sentence with consecutive letters of the Alphabet – as much as we could within 10mins. I only managed to reach till P but as it was addictive, I completed it till Z later.