Heal thy Heart, Heal thy Life 🌺🌺

In the present age, where there is a great deal of awareness and following in the field of healing, one needs to pause and reflect on the pursuit of healing in the external world. There is a dire need for a SYNC, a reason for defining our pursuit. Each one has a particular unique personality and nature. In the Hindu scriptures it is also guided that the seeker should take the path of Yoga according to his prakriti. That’s why there has been four paths(Bhaktiyoga, Gyanyoga, Rajayoga, Karmayoga) for honouring the diversity within the human psychology (Emotion, Rationality,Meditation, Action) and personality. So we should also pursuit the healing modality outside considering our inner nature, our personality and our affordability also. What I mean is we need toΒ CUSTOMISE the healing process as per our own individual requirements. One healing path cannot be meeting the individual requirements of everyone.

I was observing people around me and this struck a chord within me and I started to wonder! πŸ€” Why people are blindly pursuing a path because crowds are pursuing, isn’t it a herd mentality? There is no personal reflection as to what our own needs our…. It is possible that if we choose a healing modality not complimentary with our prakriti then chances are that it can cause more stress and pain than HEALING! πŸ˜₯It’s like taking a wrong medicine u noe!! Medicine needs to be taken after proper diagnosis as to what our individual disease is by a proper qualified doctor! So here comes a dire need for an individual MENTOR/GUIDE/GURU who can actually analyze us deeply, and can suggest an individual path for us. Say someone has a strong emotional bent of mind and devotional tendency but that person starts following Rajyoga, the path of meditation and he feels more stressed than before,it happens with a lot of people,the purpose of yoga is to connect us to our own selves which gets defeated here… So before applying a solution, it becomes imperative to understand the problem and also get guidance from our MENTOR.Β 

HEALING can only help us if we have a self analysis and proper individual guidance… Otherwise it could be a fashion pursuit also πŸ˜‰or a blind ritual which amwe get habituated to do!! πŸ€”A PAUSE, A REFLECTION, A MENTOR is what we need here! That’s the Gap!Β 

Wish all the readers a great journey towards INNER HEALING, thank you for reading this article. Please share what you feel or your personal experiences in healing in the comments.πŸ•‰οΈ
