Hello and Welcome to my blog number 4. Today i would like to discuss about our body. To most of us it really is not a big deal like “yeah, what about it”. But what if i told you literally ALL your events (past, present, future) are directly associated with your body, and nurturing your body itself is an act of good karma. Now when i say nurturing your BODY, i mean the body and not our emotional pleasures (which actually harm the body). Why should i do it? Well it is okay if you do not want to do it because only strong people have the capability to inculcate love for anything in their hearts, and do it to create good examples for yourself and eventually people around you will follow them too. Like when we hit someone or hurt someone (emotionally, mentally, physically), they would retreat from us to save from that harm. But when you do the same to your body, the poor thing does not have the option to run away but stay with you and bear the oppressions. If you harbor negativity in your body, or hatred or anger and the resulting actions and emotions cause a train of discomfort to your heart, brain, other important organs; as simple as get anxious. It is a difficult pill to swallow but it is due to our inability itself that things happen negatively around us and we alone are to be blamed for it, since you came in this world alone too. We were all assigned one body when we were born and unfortunately that is the only one we have till the end of our lives; our body helps us gain good karma, prestige, wealth and other pleasures, etc. None of this would be possible without this body and hence caring for it is of utmost importance. What i personally believe and have tried as well is the law of good luck around you fueled by a heart of will power, simple. So think your body as a pipeline, a very sophisticated pipeline lol, and these pipes go to every little points in our body through various organs. These pipelines are obviously not empty they are flowing with blood and HEART is the main headquarters, where our soul is located and it sends and recieves various signals to our body. Now this system which i explained, including your pipelines, heart and soul; it should always be super healthy for good vibes to happen around you and your signals of heart to be properly sent to the universe so it can assess you and give you what you yearn or what you deserve. Now how do we keep this pipeline healthy, so it is literally very logical, do NOT consume/abuse vasoconstriction food or foods that damage this pipeline directly; for example nicotine, caffiene, alcohol, spicy foods, saturated fats(cholesterol), for foods with low ph like anything under ph5 (you can find the ph of every food on google). Especially alcohol, okay thanks to covid everyone has used a sanitizer now on their hands, just observe what happens to your skin when you apply that sanitizer your skin gets very dry and might even start bleeding if overused, it is because of the alcohol content in it. You might see alot of people like they have literally not done anything wrong as such but they do not know it is their habits which is disconnecting them from the universe and then they are constantly expecting something from the universe. Their pipelines are dried and some of them (capillaries) are even dead to hold any energy, and their aura eventually diminishes; but to satisfy addiction needs(which is a complete need of the soul or spirit) it is NOT physical. It might put you in a delusion of feeling good but just be patient and observ the future from then on, the hastiness created by it is unsurpassable and the thoughts & actions followed after that will not have your high quality output. Oh so what should i do now? Just stop lol! what was so difficult to understand here, try it for a week and let me know in comments your views and thoughts on this. I will share more knowledge on this in my next blog but i need to know if this is making sense or if something requires more explanation in detail. Again, if you like what you are reading just express it however you can it would just motivate me to keep posting more and give me positive energy to elaborate and share much other things i have learnt so far, it would only serve as encouragement i hope it makes sense. Thank you for your time.