I started writing… sorry… typing, this post a few days ago, but then I thought to save it for Holi.

If maturity means being arrogant, I don’t want to be mature.
If maturity means inability to forgive, I don’t want to be mature.
If maturity means being full of conditioning, I don’t want to be mature.
If maturity means being crafty, I don’t want to be mature.
If maturity means inability to express emotions, I don’t want to be mature.
If maturity means lack of enthusiasm, I don’t want to be mature.
If maturity means being afraid of trying new things, I don’t want to be mature.
If maturity means lack of sympathy, I don’t want to be mature.

I want to become a child,
who cries sometimes,
who laughs sometimes,
who is free from social conditioning,
who’s mind is free,
of all blemishes,
of all poisons,
whose eyes glitter with hope,
whose faith is adamant,
who is devoid of fear,
who is full of enthusiasm,
who is full of compassion,
who knows the language of love, of pure love, of unconditional love.

My salutations to both Parvati and Shiva,
To Her whose dance marks the creation of the world,
To Him whose dance destroys everything,
To Her who is the mother of the universe,
To Him who is the father of the universe. || 7 || (Ardha_Naareeswara_Ashtakam, verse 7)

Dedicated to Father and Mother of universe who are one but due to my ignorance and foolishness I see them apart. To them, who melted my stone heart and filled it with compassion and love for all. To them, who have given me a new life.

Wishing a Happy Childish Holi to my os.me family 😃😃😃.


  • If anyone who is conditioned of my past personality (which includes everyone I know physically, from family to friends, except my best friend) reads this, he will get sick and ask me, “Yash, is everything OK, are you all right ? What has happened to you ?” !!! 😂😂😂
  • Ironically, although I am wishing you happy Holi, personally, I don’t like to play Holi 😅. Thank God I live in outer area of city, where Holi Ka huddang 😄 is not that much as in center of city 😄.