In today’s world when everything is losing its meaning, we need to realize the importance of family more than ever. While the world is becoming more modern and advanced, the meaning of family and what stands for remains the same. It does not matter what kind of family one belongs to. It is all equal as long as there is caring and acceptance. You may be from a joint family or nuclear family, it is all the same.

The relationships we have with our members make our family strong. We all have unique relations with each family member. In addition to other things, a family is the strongest unit in one’s life. One cannot emphasize enough on the importance of family. They play a great role in our lives and make us better human beings. The one lucky enough to have a family often do not realize the value of a family.  However, those who do not have families know their worth. A family is our source of strength. It teaches us what relationships mean. They help us create meaningful relationships in the outside world. The love we inherit from our families, we pass on to our independent relationships. 

Moreover, families teach us better communication. When we spend time with our families and love each other and communicate openly, we create a better future for us. When we stay connected with our families, we learn to connect better with the world. Similarly, families teach us patience. It gets tough sometimes to be patient with our family members. Yet we remain so out of love and respect.

Thus, it teaches us patience to deal better with the world. Families boost our confidence and make us feel loved. They are the pillars of our strength who never fall instead keep us strong so we become better people. They help us create meaningful relationships in the outside world. Having a family is such a basic necessity that often we take it for granted when we have it. Our families stay with us from our first breath to our last. They provide us with the foundation upon which we build ourselves. The love of a family is life’s greatest blessing.

To me, my family is an extension of myself.

               Author – Palak Bedi