You may like to read Part 9 here.


Verse 10:

anyadevāhurvidyayā’nyadāhuravidyayā | 

iti śuśruma dhīrāṇāṃ ye nastadvicacakṣire || 10 ||


Literal Meaning:

One result is predicated on Vidya and another on Avidya. We have so heard from wise men who taught us both Vidya and Avidya.

My Personal Understanding :

This previous verse has been taken by many in the past for condemning others’ philosophy. To me, our point of view may co-exist with our views, faith, and truth. It is inclusive and not exclusive. My truth is one of the Truths among the Absolute Truth that is unknown, inconceivable, and unthinkable. 

With the same intention, here the sages suggest that although treading one path exclusively will lead you to ignorance. However, with less attachment and with the intention of exploration and knowing, either of the paths has its own merits.

The path of Vidya, the oneness, leads one to the realization of the Divine manifesting as Jnana Samadhi( as Sat), the realization of Bhava Samadhi

( Ananda), or the awareness of all-encompassing infinite awareness self-absorbed in his own existence as Yoga Samadhi( as Chit). 


In the Path of Avidya, the multiplicity leads us to the realization of certain aspects of the Divine in fullness. The fullness of Knowledge, Power, and Joy. 

The Sat aspect of Divine when explored in multiplicity and variety bestows upon you the fullness of knowledge. 

Intellect is an instrument that serves the purpose to explore the multiplicity and variety of what can be known. These are the siddhis bestowed by the Divine to the seeker who meditates upon her with the intention of seeking knowledge and wisdom. Think of Ved Vyasa, our seven Vedic Rishis, Sankaracharya, Ramanujacharya, Madhavacharya, and Swami Chinmayananda. 

They all were the worshipper of Maa Gayatri who bestowed upon them divine siddhi of knowledge upon them. Maa alone wrote all those texts, they merely became an instrument, receptacle of the Divine.

The Chit aspect of Divine when explored in multiplicity and variety bestows upon you the fullness of Power. The vital force or Prana is an instrument that serves the purpose to explore the multiplicity and variety of awareness. The eight great powers of Chit are mentioned in the Vedic texts.

I have no personal experience with these siddhis but I personally look upon them as our states of consciousness and relate below divine powers with these siddhis. This is the result of my close observation of our beloved Swamiji who is endowed with all these eight siddhis. Of course, since I have no first-hand experience and these are not verified by Swamiji, please read it with a grain of salt. 

 Anima – manifesting as humility within us to accept our mistakes.
Mahima – manifesting as courage and self-confidence to speak our own truth.
Garima – manifesting as self-conviction to stand by what we believe is true.
Laghima – manifesting as tolerance and forgiveness that makes us light and free.
Prapti – manifesting as your desires getting fulfilled by nature as and when you desire something.
Prakamya – manifesting as the ability to connect with others’ minds to achieve what you will. This is how great sages and saints silently perform their mission and purpose in life. They influence your ability to think, structure your thoughts, and put your entire being into force for the greater good. You become their thousand hands, and legs to achieve the greater purpose.
Ishitva – manifesting as the ability to influence the cosmic powers of nature to attain what they will. They become a Lord in their own right. At the command of their will, one glance, one thought, our words, and nature moves and works to attain the cause. 
Vasitva – manifesting as the ability to connect with all sentient beings and influence their thoughts and emotions. 


The Ananda aspect of Divine when explored in multiplicity and variety bestows upon you the fullness of Bliss. The mind is an instrument that serves the purpose to explore the multiplicity and variety of pleasures and joy that comes forth from the bliss aspect of the Divine. The various pleasures of heaven, the various yonis as Gandharvas, etc. as well as enjoying the fruits of their actions by holding multiple positions in various lokas. The Supreme Bliss, however, can only be attained by realizing our own true nature as per Vedic scriptures.


To be Continued…

🌼🌼🌼All Glories to Swamiji Alone🌼🌼🌼