This is an exercise in the second day of the workshop. For the following question, the participants are to provide a one-word answer, one-sentence answer and a one-paragraph answer.

What is it that you have enough of?

In One Word


In One Sentence

I have more than enough books in my physical and digital bookshelves than the time to read them.

In One Paragraph

Books have changed my life. I tried reading 100 books in 2016. Thanks to the Swamiji’s Walk the Dragon Course, I read 21 books in 6 weeks starting December 2020. In 2021, I read 100+ books. This week, I will finish reading 100 books in 2022. I think it is time to say enough. And re-read the books that resonated well with me and made a difference. The next step is to actively internalize the contents of the books. And take actionable steps to implement the suggestions. The real goal is to self-transform into a better version of me.

Image Credit: Alfon Morales from Unsplash