Life’s beautiful essence
is You
beneath all the fears
and traumas past
the gently murmuring
river is You

A long time may have passed
but the mind remembers
what it was like
when You weren’t there

All doors were hollow back then
infested with some worldly gripe
the fabric of the soul
so unwashed
that no colour would ever become it

A stinging sadness
damp and cold
lived inside
to live with such a being
most days was unbearable

When You weren’t there
to no end
tears fell
a strange anxiety
sprung from life itself

Now You are here
and there’s peace
exhilarating days and silent nights
the mind may still jump in confusion
but the fear has lost its sting

In the deep heart
of every being
who has found You
there’s tremendous gratitude
I too carry drums full

Such love wells in the heart
for You
even in forgetfulness
in a million things that go on in a day
You are there
coursing like air

This new birth
new parents new siblings
are a dream
and to gaze upon You everyday
like walking on the clouds
through the scorching Sun

Oh Soul supreme
please let my sillinesses be endearing
for I’ve loved You so
maybe not yesterday
but my today and tomorrow are yours

This heart so alight with love
has only tears of joy to give
I know now
why your beauty steals my heart each day
You are the God of love
seated on the highest throne

Ah beautiful benevolent Jagannatha
the heart cries for You
for your benevolent form
You who manifest every desire
the sole desire is You

Bhagwan…thank you for this spiritual life
it’s now dedicated to You
to You
to You
to You alone

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