“उसको कुछ आता जाता नहीं, वो क्या पास होगा?”
You must have heard such expressions many times in your academic life.
Even we also used to doubt about the success in the exams when we were not prepared for it.

Tell the teacher that you are weak at maths, and still want to pass the exam, he will laugh for sure.

Take any task and you will find that it will succeed only if ; you are skilled in at least few activities involved in that task. Only intense willing or desire for that task won’t help to succeed in it.

If you are good for nothing, you will get nothing for sure.

Thus for any materialistic gain or success, you must have skills and abilities along with the desire.

Is there any field; where you can succeed without having any knowledge, skills and abilities?
Yes….there is…
In fact, that field is the greatest one; where your all needs are taken care of; even unasked. There is no place for any worries if you choose that field.

It is the ‘Divine field.’ It is the “Company of the God.”
Selection criteria of this company is – Your 100% willingness to join. It doesn’t matter whether you have knowledge, skills and abilities or not.. but the guaranty of full contentment is sure.

I remember one beautiful sanskrit mantra; usually chanted after the puja/ worship.
If you have done nitya puja in the sadhana app, you must have heard this mantra in Swamiji’s voice.

आवाहनं न जानामि न जानामि विसर्जनम्।
पूजां चैव न जानामि क्षमस्व परमेश्वर॥
मंत्रहीनं क्रियाहीनं भक्तिहीनं जनार्दन।
यत्पूजितं मया देव! परिपूर्ण तदस्तु मे॥

Meaning of this mantra is; ” Oh! God, I don’t know how to invoke you , I don’t know how to see off  you. I even don’t know how to worship you. Please forgive me. I don’t remember any mantra, nor any kriya to appeal you. I can only love you.  I am worshiping you with my whole hearted devotion. So accept it as exact and complete.

Here;  a bhakta is innocently accepting that he knows nothing regarding any rites, rituals and techniques to please the God. What he has is; the only love for Him.

A small girl cooks food for her mother with her tiny hands, using tiny toy utensils. She doesn’t know how to cook but just has an intense wish to cook for her mother.
She pours little amount of water in the tiny bowl and give it to her mother as ‘kheer.’  She takes one paper, cut it in circular size,  and serve it in small plate to her mother as ‘chapati.’ She gives one peanut to her mother as ‘a laddoo.’ And very lovingly observes her mother’s reactions.
What to tell about her mother’s feelings?
She is so immersed in the love shown and expressed by her little daughter that she forgets what is being served in those tiny plates. She is pleased so much that her attention is only at daughter’s  gestures, expressions, the ‘bhav’ of love and not at all towards the things she offered.

Thus in intense love, there is no place for any judgements. One just can’t see any flaws or faults in the other. There is only the whole hearted acceptance.
This is the unconditional love between mother and her daughter ( although they are the conditioned humanbeings.)

Just imagine the all compassionate Lord and His devotee in place of mother and the daughter. Can you guess the intensity of bliss, when a devotee; who is completely surrendered to the Lord,  worshipping Him with the heart ; full of love/ devotion?

There is a nice abhanga in marathi_
‘देव भावाचा भुकेला’। ‘ वैकुंठ सोडोनिया आला।’.

God is hungry of bhaav ( of shraddha and bhakti/love).  He leaves His ‘vaikuntha’ and  comes to get that bhakti bhaav/ love from His devotees.

So, if you worship the God with true devotion/ bhaav, He will forgive and forget all the flaws in your techniques of worship. (Just like that mother…)

Intensely remember Him; and He responds…
If you can’t chant mantras; He still listens…
If you can’t remember the aarati lyrics, still He understands…
If you don’t have the worship material, still He is pleased….
He pays attention to nothing else but your bhaktibhaav….

Tell him any difficulty or obstacle in your path to reach Him, He will direct you for sure. Only requirement is the true willingness to meet Him.
There are many worshippers who arrange all the ingredients/ samagri for the worship but if  the very bhaav / devotion is missing, it won’t give them the sense of fulfilment.

This is all about bhakti bhaav towards  ‘Saguna Sakar Brahman’  as ‘a deity/ God’.

Another meaning of this verse ” आवाहनं न जानामि न जानामि विसर्जनम्।…..” depicts the all pervasive nature of the God.
God as ‘Nirguna Nirakaar Brahman’/ Sat Chit Anandam’  is everywhere. (कण कण मे भगवान।).
The devotee with jnana/ Selfknowledge sees Him everywhere and knows Him as The Eternal Truth.  So;  for them;  there is no need to invoke or say goodbye to the God. They need neither any material things nor any act or mantra to please the God.
Nothing is superior or inferior. The same ‘Nirguna Nirakar’ comes in ‘Saguna Sakar’ forms to respond. ‘Nondual’ only descends to ‘duality’ to accept the bhaktibhaav of the devotee.
It is said, “God comes in the form of ‘a roti’ for His hungry devotee.”

Some times, Ramakrishna Paramhamsa would cry for the mother kaali’s darshana (bhakti/duality) and the very next moment;  he would feed himself; considering himself as the mother kaali. ( nonduality).

Thus the Highest jnani is the Highest bhakta and the Highest bhakta is the Highest jnani. They are the Realised masters.
They don’t ask for anything….still their needs are fulfilled.
They don’t possess anything…still they have everything.

So….come on and join the company of God; not with the resumes, but only with your bhakti bhaav, where;  once entered, you will  never get fired. Your package will be the highest and uncomparable with any other companies. It will make you and your next generations simply rich.
   Hari Om !