Being Swamiji s Sapa( self appointed personal assistant) ,i get great responsibilities too!I wonder would i have taught tutorial to Dr Christian barnard if i studied with as much focus as i watch all Swami ji s vedios!

As answering various queries of devotees as to where did Swami ji mention we can do pooja in periods or where did he mention that why women tend to get unattractive and gain weight when they feel neglected or where did he talk about interpratation of dreams!

As an efficient professional,i too have my team of Sapa sapas( self appointed personal assistant of Self appointed personal assistant). They are my minnions.

Any one who has seen Charlie and the chocolate factory will visualise what I mean.

Any ways today one Sapa sapa asked me a question on where Swami ji has mentioned about Guru Govind sing…i answered him.

As soon as I answered i got Satori…this is like phone a freind in KBC      He confirmed saying meera jee thisis.