Swami ji has been posting since 3 days consecutively his protein intake, strength training,heart rate and work out data on wildrhttps://wildr.com/post/MQty .

The next question he asks is have u earned your meal?

Then he is inspiring,motivating , guiding and nurturing us to follow an absolutely active lifestyle treating our physical body as a temple which is maintained,healthy,fit and in shape.

Many times has he written and spoken on how sweets and wrong time eating fat ladden tasty pakoras with chutney are bad for us.

Many sleeping mode devotees have bought protein powder and atleast started doing atleast yoga and pranayam.

I have been following excercise too since Swami ji came in my life 7 years ago atleast on u tube 5 times a week for 30 minutes atleast. ..

My garrulous talking habbits have made Swami ji do some control on Wildr,i can neither comment nor post my picture as Dp .

I installed, uninstalled the app often,made monkey face lots of times and came to the analysis that Wildr doesn’t accept pictures of celebrities!

Now Swamiji s Sapa is definitely self proclaimed celebrity too ..after all being his is no less than being the same!

Did you earn your food today? Did u tag Swami ji on Wildr?