Hi Sushree Diya Om,

       Sanjay here. I hope you are fine. I personally feel very good to communicate to you after a long time. Last time , we communicated was on the year 2016 and last time we met was on 2019. I still remember the help, I got during my visit to Badrika ashram. It was really nice the way you treated me inspite of being nun of Badrika Ashram. I am really sorry that I burden you with lots of questions in turn . It is really hard to become monk or nun as renouncing is not so easy. But really you have been my motivation. Inspite of poor health, you worked really hard. I will suggest you, please don’t be hard on yourself. You are already going through lot of physical problems. Any help from myside, I will be highly obliged. Please feel free to take my help.

        You also set another example by shaving your head. You challenged men that woman can also do things which men can do. It is really a great example . I am sorry that I am closing this comment section. If you reading this, I request you to pray for the well being of all living beings especially human. Here, I am closing my message. Please take care of yourself. Any help, please feel free to communicate and I will be highly obliged for it. Thanking you and also thank you to all the people reading this post.

