It is said that our Lord Dhanwantari arrived during samudhra manthana on 1st day of Diwali, Dhanteras, am here again with another post on Ayurveda. Although in my first series of Ayurveda I did give a brief introduction about what Ayurveda is all about. Here I would like to state why was Ayurveda brought to mankind and other living beings alike. Here goes the shloka-

“hitahitam sukham dukham ayustasya hitahitam

mana ch tacha yatrokttam ayurveda sa uchyate” Ref- Charaka Sutra sthana

Ayurveda is about knowing what hita(healthy life) and ahita(Unhealthy life) is and sukha(happiness) and dukha(agony). In other words Ayurveda talks about every layers of life that contributes to one’s wellbeing and striking a balance to bring in the harmony physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

Why Ayurveda?

“swastasya swastya rakshanam

aturasya vikara prashamanam cha”

Ayurveda has two broader aspect to its treatment module, one is Swastasya swastya rakshanam- To maintain the health of the healthy person which is preventive aspect of Ayurveda, and aturasya vikara prashamanam cha- to heal the sick/ailing which is its curative aspect. 

Preventive aspect of Ayurveda talks about- Dinacharya(Daily regimen) talks about how to begin the day, the regular day to day activities until the bedtime, Rutucharya(Seasonal Regimen) on the other hand; talks about the lifestyle and diet changes that are to be incorporated based on the dosha predominance in each of the seasons. 

Curative aspect- Talks about condition/disease specific treatments such as Various fevers, traumatic conditions, Arthritis, Diabetes, Skin diseases, Gastrointestinal diseases, Respiratory issues, Psychological diseases, Neurological and so on.. 

Based on the condition and stage of the disease, the vaidya decides to administer either Shodhana chikitsa( Purificatory therapies) OR Shamana chikitsa( Pacifying the aggravated doshas to relieve the suffering)

Shodhana Chikitsa is otherwise called as Panchakarma; which is therapy module that is aimed at preventing the illness and also treating the condition specific illness. 

Many must have heard the word commonly used in Ayurveda- PANCHAKARMA

Pancha- 5, Karma- Procedures

The 5 Procedures are- Vamana(Emesis/Vomiting), Virechana(Purgation), Basti/Vasti( Medicated enema), Nasya( Medicated nasal drops), Raktamokshana(blood letting)- I will write on details of each of this procedure in my next post.

Shamana Chikitsa- The aggravted dosha is identified and then herbs are chosen accordingly to pacify the aggravated dosha. For example- Heart burn here burning sensation is due to aggravated pitta(fire element), so the vaidya administers coolant herbs to pacify the fire. 

I will come up with more posts on Ayurveda in my this second series on Ayurveda, that I have just recently started.

Wishing you all a very happy and prosperous and safe Diwali.. May Divine grace be always upon you and your loved ones. Take care:)

 Image credit- wikipedia