Dear Deeper Mind, reveal to me what needs attention. Nithya Shanti.


Whosoever is working on himself and is focused on self-development, and in the process reads a lot of material available would find that the answers to every problem of an individual can be find within ourselves but the problem remains that we don’t know how we have to find those answers. I or as a matter of fact we all are on our journey to find ourselves and there would be a lot of options which we can use and (would love to find your way in the comments). In my journey of a few years (in numbers) or a few hours (actual) have reached a point where the following points can be useful.

1.      Give yourself time: this is the first and foremost thing that needs time and that is time that is solely yours. We all are really busy in the hustle and bustle of our lives, making ends meet, meeting targets and this the way we are giving time to ourselves. We consider that being the best in the rat rave would make us the best, but we forget that we are humans and we run not of materialistic things but on emotions.

a.       Listen to your favorite song,

b.      Dance a little

c.       Play a musical instrument

d.      Crack jokes with yourself.

2.      Go and speak out: with the time and the responsibilities we don’t even either have courage to speak our heart out, or we have lost it. But just imagine a kid who irrespective of their situation are never afraid of speaking their heart out. They just are as natural and at peace with themselves that they just say what they feel and trust me it is true response to a situation sometimes.

3.      Love yourself as you love your dear ones: when was the last time you gifted yourself something, when was the last time you went on a drive with just yourself, when was the last time you saw a movie with yourself, when was the last time you enjoyed the food with yourself. It may sound stupid but just take a pause and analyze, you may be with 100 people in a party but if you don’t enjoy your company, it is all over.

4.      Give yourself time: giving yourself time is when you just sit and talk to yourself, you are just enjoying your company and you are having a serious discussion about yourself, your future. The answers you will get will just blow your mind away.

5.      Breath a lot (being aware): if not all above can be done the least that can be done is to be aware about your breath. Just sit quietly and pay attention to your breath, the more aware you are of your breath the more positive you will be about yourself.

6.      Introspect: if you can’t do anything just reflect on what have you been doing in your life and what you wanted to achieve and where are you in that journey. Some may be there were they wanted to be, but some may be far away, but the fun part is that it doesn’t matter as in the end what matters is are you happy to at a given point of time and if you are happy than all will settle down eventually.